Membership and Dues

Dues Holiday

The "dues holiday" of 2017 is will need to renew going forward.


All members, regardless of country (US funds): $20 - 2 years of membership.

In addition to checks in US funds, we can accept payment via a PayPal account, or via PayPal using a credit card (no account required), which will automatically convert other currencies to US funds. Please contact Eric Greenwell if you have problems with payment.

After the membership chairman receives your payment (and your form, for new members), it will be confirmed by email.

Current members: To renew your membership (two year duration), use Method 1 or 2:

Method 1 - Pay with a check

Send a check in US funds, payable to the ASA, for the amount of your dues. Send the check to...

ASA, Inc.

c/o Jim Hogue

Treasurer and interim Membership Chairman

400 Olmsted St

Birmingham, AL 35242

Ph: 410-231-8326

Method 2 - Pay with a PayPal account or Credit Card (NOTE: credit card function not currently available )

Pay with a PayPal account: Simply send money to this email address:

New members: To start your membership (two year duration)...

Method 1 - Pay with a check

Print and fill in the membership application form, then mail it with a check for $20 (1 year membership + 1 year free) to:

ASA, Inc.

c/o Jim Hogue

Treasurer and interim Membership Chairman

400 Olmsted St

Birmingham, AL 35242

Ph: 410-231-8326

Method 2 - Pay with PayPal

1) Fill in the membership application form, then email (or mail) a copy of it to the membership chairman:


or mail:

ASA, Inc.

c/o Jim Hogue

Treasurer and interim Membership Chairman

400 Olmsted St

Birmingham, AL 35242

Ph: 410-231-8326

2) You can use your PayPal account, or PayPal will accept a credit card even if you don't have a PayPal account. Click the Buy button ...

Method 3 - Paypal account via email

The membership form shows how to send money via PayPal/email. Be sure to make a payment of $20 (two year membership)

Membership application