2012 Christopher Weston-Simon's Car No 038 Featured in the London Olympics Closing Ceremony

The opening scenes of the Olympic Games Closing Ceremony feature the Rush Hour on the M25 Motorway where all of the Vehicles were covered in Large Sized Newsprint. Member Chris Weston-Simonds was invited to drive his Roadster 100 in the cavalcade.

The vehicles were grouped by colour but unfortunatly the cameras did not feature the Green area, however, many 'eagle eyed' Morgan owners were able to briefly spot Chris's car during the ceremony. Chris's wheel is just visible above the Mini's Bonnet.

Another photo of Chris driving his R100 taken by member Martin Trainer. Thank You Martin for sharing.

Chris tell me that each car also carried a passenger, each one a Bride dressed in White, all of whom were supposed to be 'Pregnant'. A feature left out of the television commentary.

Chris sent in these photos of himself and his Roadster 100 to share with you all.

No 038 waiting in the Garage before the event

Chris and his Mog wrapped ready to go.

As the Sun is setting, Chris is waiting to roll. Other wrapped cars appear in the background

I saw this other car being shown at the Capel, Surrey, Classic Car Show on 18th August
