
This page lists short essays on money, mostly written for newspapers.

The Veil of Money - QTM creates a veil over functions of money. Keynes proved that money is not neutral and sufficient quantity is required for full employment. Scarcity of money favors bankers and this theory was skillfully discredited in 70's following stagflation. Re-emergence of Monetarist theories has led to massive accumulation of wealth in the financial sector.

The Iceland Plan for Monetary Reform - The evils of private money creation, and the plan for sovereign money in Iceland -- an updated Chicago Plan.

Swiss Referendum on Sovereign Money - QTM throw veil over functions of money -- Keynes penetrated it following GD '29. Since then powerful forces have covered up bank creation of money as source of crisis. We need to take this power away from banks and give it to the Sovereign State.

Speculative Financial Attacks - Describes how money creation allows speculators to conduct massive attacks and make huge amounts of money, without any real productive efforts.

Keynes Versus the IMF - Keynes suggests expansionary monetary policy while IMF pushes austerity for recessions. Why the contradiction?

Can Money Buy Happiness? - Discussion of the Easterlin Paradox.