Islam & Money

Islamic Perspectives on Money

CURRENTLY: This is a un-organized collection of my writings and talks on money & banking, especially from an Islamic perspective. I hope to organize it some day, but this is a difficult task, because the issue is quite complex. Volunteers would be welcome to help, but would need to work hard to understand the complexities of the issue.

Link For URDU Materials on Money & Islamic Banks

Download from SSRN: On the Nature of Modern Money

My submission and conference paper: On the Nature of Modern Money

On the Nature of Modern Money presented at the 10thInternational Conference on Islamic Economics and Finance. Forthcoming chapter in edited volume on Islamic Economic Perspectives and Theoretical Models. editorial board consisting of members from Islamic Research Training Institute (IRTI) of the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) and Qatar Faculty of Islamic Studies (QFIS), Hamad Bin Khalifa University (HBKU).

The goal of this page is to prepare a paper on Money for the sake of the Ulema, which conveys a deep understanding of current role of money -- how it is created, how it is used, and what functions it serves. Crucial relevant materials wiil be gathered here.

Slides + Audio in Urdu: Talk for Ulema on Nature of Money: DOWNLOAD

On the Nature of Modern Money -- Draft 4 submission to: 10th International Conference on Islamic Economics & Finance (10th ICIEF), Institutional Aspects of Economic, Monetary and Financial Reforms, 23-25 March 2015, Doha, Qatar

This page has related research and references

One of the papers below looks at determinants of Seigniorage

We should be able to calculate how much money has accrued to the USA as a result of seigniorage based on dollars role as reserve currency all over the world.

Papers by Salman Syed Ali on relevance of Islamic contracts for conventional finance.


, meant for publication as book review in PDR.

SSRN Version:

World Economic Association Pedagogy Blog: History of Global Financial Crisis 2007

Urdu Paper explaining why Money Creation by Banks is un-Islamic - My urdu essay meant to explain problems with Islamic banking

URDU: Islamic Version of Iceland Plan for Monetary Reform - 30 min urdu lecture, presented at Riphah-IRTI conference at IIUI Islamabad in March 2016

URDU: Building Genuine Islamic Financial Institutions - 70 minute urdu lecture - why islamic banks are not islamic in spirit, and how to construct genuine islamic financial institutions.

The Debt of Developing Countries: The Devastating Impacts of IMF-World Bank “Economic Medicine” - As the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund hold their annual meeting in Washington 11-13th October 2013 it is necessary to take a look at the state of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG). |1| The history of economic development is strewn with attempts to correct the “mistakes” of development policy. The preferred method is to add new elements to the agenda. This approach has led to adding an ever increasing number of issues, from environmental concerns to social policies, into the policy discussions.

The Battle for the Control of Money - Comments on Zarlenga and Poteat -- published in JKAU Vol 29 No 2, 2016

Summary of Keynes: General Theory - Provides a brief summary of Keynes, and also links to an even briefer summary

Summaries of Books - Summaries of various books of interest

On the Nature of Modern Money - Final Draft of submission for 10th ICIEF in March 2015, Doha Qatar

On the Nature of Modern Money - webpage with conference paper and submission to Islamic Studies, Tanveer Ahmad, Nov 2015

MCoM L04: Islamic Version of Iceland Plan for Monetary Reform - ENGNLISH: 90 minute classroom lecture; part of mini course on macro-economics.

Lectures on Macroeconomics - Presents Macro in Historical Context, with disussion of flaws of QTM

Collection of Materials on Keynesian Economics - My writings plus links to related works

Building Genuine Islamic Financial Institutions - My paper on why Islamic Banking is not Islamic, and what a genuine Islamic alternative would be

00 Urdu Materials on Money - Papers, & Videos in URDU

'Alim: The Shariah Scholars Journal, 2016, Issue 10 - Murat Cizakca: on why Gold Dinar/Dirham is not the route to Islamic Finance. MY PAPER on Building Genuine Islamic Financial Institutions