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International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance (Inderscience)???

International Review of Economics & Finance

International Journal of Central Banking

Once submitted, your submission will be held in a "holding tank" at International Journal of Central Banking. An editor or editorial staff member will inspect your submission once more. If your submission is complete, in order, and appropriate for International Journal of Central Banking, it will then be assigned a manuscript ID number (different from the submission id number, which is 1921 in this case). You should expect another email confirmation from International Journal of Central Banking at this point. Please allow up to 1 days for International Journal of Central Banking to inspect and process your submission. Please contact John Williams at if you have questions about the status of your submission.

Dear Professor Zaman

Thank you again for submitting your paper entitled “Monetary Paradoxes of Baby-Sitting Cooperatives” to Kyklos.

After having carefully evaluated your paper, the editors came to the conclusion that your paper is not suitable for publication in our Journal. Our rejection need not imply any judgment of the quality of your work. Rather, the editors feel that your paper is too specific for the readers of Kyklos. A specialized journal in the area of macro economics would probably appreciate your contribution the most.

We are sorry that we have no better news; unfortunately, Kyklos has to reject more than 9 out of 10 papers submitted for evaluation.

Sincerely yours,

Prof. Dr. Reiner Eichenberger, Prof. Dr. David Stadelmann and Prof. Dr. Alois Stutzer


Acknowledgement of receipt from

Submitted to KYKLOS -- 6th Jan 2016

Dr Simon Milligan

Kyklos Editorial Office

Faculty of Business and Economics

University of Basel

Peter Merian-Weg 6


CH-4002 Basel



Desk rejected by MacroEconomic Dynamics

Dear Asad Zaman:

Your paper,

"Monetary Paradoxes of Baby-Sitting Cooperatives"

(MD manuscript number 16m106)

which you submitted to Macroeconomic Dynamics via our

online submission process, was uploaded successfully. You may

review the status of your submission and confirm that the

file was uploaded to our server by logging on to the

MD Author Information System. The URL for this is

Thank you for submitting your work to Macroeconomic Dynamics.


| William A. Barnett Voice: (785) 864-2844 |

| Oswald Distinguished Professor of Macroeconomics Fax: (785) 864-5760 |

| Department of Economics |

| University of Kansas |

| Summerfield Hall, Room 213A |

| 1300 Sunnyside Avenue |

| Lawrence, Kansas 66045-7585 |

Desk Rejected by Economic Policy

5th January 2016 -- Submitted to OUP Journal Economic Policy.

Dear Author Thank you for your submission to the Economic Policy journal.

The Managing Editors will discuss your proposal over the coming weeks and respond with the outcome in due course.Thorsten Beck, Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln, Refet Gürkaynak & Andrea Ichino

Managing Editors

Dear Asad:

Thank you for submitting your paper, Monetary Paradoxes of Baby-Sitting Cooperatives, for publication in The Journal of Finance. The Journal of Finance receives a very large number of submissions each year, and we are able to publish only about 6% of these submissions. Given these pressures on space in the Journal of Finance, we must necessarily reject a large number of high quality papers. While I enjoyed reading your paper, I feel confident in my assessment that sending your paper out for review will only delay a negative outcome. Therefore, with the goal of providing feedback in a timely manner, I have decided to reject your paper at this early stage.

I am sorry that we will not be able to publish your paper in the Journal. We appreciate having had the opportunity to consider your work and hope that you consider our journal for future submissions.


Kenneth Singleton


The Journal of Finance

Thank you for your submission, MS 2015-1087, entitled

"Monetary Paradoxes of Baby-Sitting Cooperatives"

which was received on December 21, 2015. Kenneth Singleton has been assigned as the co-editor in charge of your submission.

Please refer to the manuscript number, MS 2015-1087, in any future correspondence concerning your submission. You can contact Kenneth Singleton at or the Assistant Editor at to find out the status of your submission.

You can also check the status of your submission at any time by visiting the following url (if your email does not support built-in hyperlinks, copy this url into your browser window and bookmark it, taking care not to split the long url or allow intervening spaces: this url has a security password so that only you will be able to access the status info on your submission).

If an editorial decision on the *first* submission of a manuscript is not made within 100 days of the date of submission, then we will refund the submission fee.

It is our understanding that your paper is original work and is not under submission elsewhere. Whereas we encourage you to write popularized versions of your paper, we request that such versions appear in print after the publication of your article in the Journal. The only exceptions to this policy are for versions of your paper that are included in proceedings available only to conference participants. In addition, the Journal of Finance must not have previously reviewed the core analysis in the current submission. If you have any questions about these policies, then please contact the Journal's editorial office.

Thank you for submitting your work to The Journal of Finance.


Wendy Washburn


Journal of Finance

Thank you for submitting your work to Journal of Finance. 21st Dec 2015


Wendy Washburn <>

November 2, 2015 Dear Professor Zaman: RE: “Sunspot Equilibria of Baby-Sitting Cooperatives” (MS # 13922). I have read your submission and decided that the manuscript is not a good match for Econometrica. Consequently, I am rejecting the paper and directing you to another journal. The rapid decision does not indicate that there is a particular flaw in the paper or imply a more severe criticism than an ordinary rejection after three or four months. In this case, there is certainly interest in the basic topic, but your manuscript reads more like a review of a literature rather than an original research contribution. The possibility of equilibrium multiplicity and methods that might lead to efficient outcomes are familiar. I am sorry to have to give you the bad news. I hope that by responding to the submission quickly, you are able to place your submission in an appropriate journal without delay. Sincerely, Joel Sobel Editor, Econometrica

Dear Professor Zaman:

Thank you for your submission to Econometrica.

We have started the review process on your paper, "Sunspot Equilibria of Baby Sitting Cooperatives" and it was assigned MS# 13922. Please quote the MS# in any future correspondence.

While we will notify you by email upon decision, as sometimes emails are filtered or otherwise fail to arrive, you may check whether a decision has been made by visiting the following URL

If a decision has been made and you have not received an email notification, please contact me at


Mary Beth

Ms. Ref. No.: YGAME-D-14-00486

Title: Sunspot Equilibria of Baby Sitting Cooperatives

Games and Economic Behavior

Dear Professor Zaman,

The reports below and attached were communicated to us by the advisory editor. In order to view the attachment you will need to log on to EES at Click on "Submissions with a Decision" and then on "View Reviewer Attachments" on the next screen.

I am sorry to write that, based on the reasoning in the reports, the advisory editor recommends against publication.

Regardless of the negative decision, we thank you for the opportunity to review this paper for GEB.


Vincent P. Crawford


Games and Economic Behavior


Ms. Ref. No.: YGAME-D-14-00486

Title: Sunspot Equilibria of Baby Sitting Cooperatives

Games and Economic Behavior

Dear Dr. Zaman,

This is an automatically-generated letter using your information as you entered it into EES. Your submission entitled "Sunspot Equilibria of Baby Sitting Cooperatives" has been been assigned the following manuscript number: YGAME-D-14-00486. submission date 1 September 2014. == query in MARCH

The URL is

Your username is:

If you need to retrieve password details, please go to === (e)+AAG

Please contact us if you have not received a report within six months of the date on this letter.

Thank you for submitting your work to this journal.

Kind regards,

Games and Economic Behavior

For further assistance, please visit our customer support site at Here you can search for solutions on a range of topics, find answers to frequently asked questions and learn more about EES via interactive tutorials. You will also find our 24/7 support contact details should you need any further assistance from one of our customer support representatives.

Dear Professor Zaman:

I am sorry to inform you that I have decided to reject your submission, MS 19814, entitled "Sunspot Equilibria of Baby Sitting Cooperatives" for publication in Review of Economic Studies.

It is our practice to reject some papers outright rather than submit them to referees. Our reason for this choice is to give the author the chance to pursue a more promising outlet for publication immediately. I am afraid that your paper is not a good fit for the Review. You make two points in your paper, one concerning the fact that in real models where money is an accounting device monetary policy (without further restrictions) plays no role, the second that in coordination models expectations play a particularly important role. This is nicely summarized in the conclusions, and these insights are derived within a particular model (a formulization of the BSC model). This is valuable, but of more confined interest to a more specialized audience. The first point is an important dimensions of all of the literature following the pioneering work of Kiyotaki and Wright that tries to build deeper foundations for the use of money. This literature is also concerned with expectations!


n, as is other work. While the application to this particular model is of interest, it is nevertheless more suitable to a more specialized audience.

Space limitations permit the Review to publish less than 10 percent of the manuscripts submitted to us. Most papers that we reject are capably executed and make some contribution to knowledge. However, in the editors' judgment, they lack sufficient originality, topical importance, and/or craftsmanship in execution and exposition to compete successfully for publication in our journal.

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to consider your work.


Philipp Kircher

Joint Managing Editor

Review of Economic Studies

Sat, Aug 9, 2014 at 11:42 AM

Dear Professor Asad Zaman:

I am sorry to report that we will not be able to publish your paper, MS 22904, entitled "Monetary Lessons from Baby Sitting Cooperatives." I have concluded that there is not enough value added for a general economics audience in the present paper to warrant publication in the Quarterly Journal of Economics. You might try the JMCB.

We hope that you will continue to think of the Quarterly Journal of Economics as a suitable vehicle for your contributions.

Sincerely yours,

Robert Barro


The Quarterly Journal of Economics