Islamic Chicago Plan

"Elimination of Interest and the Iceland Plan for Monetary Reform"

ABSTRACT: It has recently been widely realized that private banks create money. Most of the money circulating in the economy is created by private banks and takes the form of interest based loans. This leads to a large number of economics problems which include (a) frequent monetary crises, (b) injustice and increasing inequality, (c) unnecessary spread of interest based transactions and debt, and (d) investments in speculative and unproductive areas crowd out real productive investments as well as social sector investments. The Iceland plan for monetary reform is based on the idea of Sovereign Money, which gives government the exclusive power to print money. This is very much in line with Islamic principles. Implementation of the plan would address all four problem mentioned above, leading to elimination of interest, greater justice and equality, and greater investment in social sector as well as the real productive sector.

An Islamic Version of the Iceland Plan for Monetary Reform -- also submitted for Conference: ICIBF 2016, Mecca in March 2106 A transcript of An ISlamic Chicago Plan (4144 word version, abbreviated for Conf Presentation) 1hr 41m 17s Video Lecture (flv version) probably classroom -- An Islamic Chicago Plan

For Links to related materials, see below

Asad Zaman

URDU materials & links on Money - Diverse collection of writings and videos

Ummul Qura Conference: How to do Research on Islamic Finance? - 28m Video: Conference talk on how to do research in Islamic Finance. Explains errors of current approaches and provides alternatives PPT Slides illustrating talk -- NOT original video

Ummul Qura: Islamic Version of Iceland Plan - NOT Iceland Plan -- rather this is ORIGINAL VIDEO of talk on How to generate good RESEARCH on ISLAMIC Finance -- this is the video made at the conference -- PPT Slides version made later, and fitted to the audio in this video.

MCoM L04: Islamic Iceland Plan - 90min Lecture- Mini Course on Macro Economics

00 MAIN page for MONEY and related materils - Collections of articles, videos, and links