Money References

This page collects important references related to monetary theory, especially alternatives to conventional view. SEE also Debt, Money Seignorage for collection of relevant and important papers on this topic.

Here is a collection of relevant books.

    1. Handbook of Alternative Monetary Theories -- Collection of Essays regarding heterodox monetary theories.

    2. Casualities of Credit: The English Financial Revolution 1620- 1720 by Carl Wennerlind -- very important history of emergence of money.

  1. Debt: The First 5000 Years by David Graeber.

  2. Wall Street and the Politics of Finance -- with many reference and Micheal Hudson

    1. House of Debt: by Atif Mian and Amir Sufi -- or search for title on Library Genesis; see also my Review & Summary

Interesting Articles are listed here

    1. Schumacher: Multilateral Clearing. A way to trade without having exchange rates between different currencies.

    2. Bell & Vos: The Happy Story Told by SME Capital Structure: Firms try to maximize happiness instead of wealth.