
Mathews/Birds of Australia:  Charadriiformes


Burhinidae  (Stone Curlews)

Recurvirostridae  (Avocets, Stilts)

47 images available.

This exhibit is featured on three webpages, with links provided below to access the second and third pages. 


Page 2

Plate 143.




 Burhinus magnirostris.





Esacus magnirostris.



Plate 102.

Plate 104.

Plate 107.

Plate 116.

Plate 119.

Plate 123.

Plate 125.

Plate 128.

Plate 130.

Plate 132.

Plate 133.

Plate 136.

Plate 137.

Plate 138.

Plate 145.

Plate 146.

Plate 149.

Plate 152.

Plate 154.

Plate 155.

Plate 156.

Plate 157.

Plate 158.

Plate 161.

Plate 163.

Plate 164.

Plate 169.

Irediparra novae-hollandiae.

(Comb-crested Jacana).

Plate 171.