Scarlatti Domenico (1685-1757)

Il est le sixième enfant d'Antonia Anzalone et d'Alessandro Scarlatti (1660-1725) dont il reçoit sa formation musicale. Il a comme marraine la princesse de Colobrano, et le comte Maddaloni comme parain.

En 1701 il est compositeur et organiste à la chapelle royale de Naples.

En 1702 il fait un cour séjour avec son père à la cour de Toscane à Florence, puis il le rejoint à Rome. En 1703 il crée son premier opéra, l'Ottavia ristituita al trono et Il Giustino à la cour de Naples. En 1705 il se perfectionne à Venise auprès de F. Gasparini. Il fait la connaissance de Vivaldi, de Händel et de Thomas Roseingrave qui le soutiendra activement à Londres. Son père le recommande auprès du prince Ferdinand de Médicis à Florence.



He is the sixth child of Antonia Anzalone and Alessandro Scarlatti (1660-1725) from whom he received his musical training. He has as godmother the Princess of Colobrano, and Count Maddaloni as godfather.

In 1701 he was composer and organist at the Royal Chapel of Naples.

In 1702 he made a short stay with his father at the Tuscan court in Florence, then he joined him in Rome. In 1703 he created his first opera, the Ottavia ristituita al trono and Il Giustino at the court of Naples. In 1705 he perfected his skills in Venice with F. Gasparini. He meets Vivaldi, Handel and Thomas Roseingrave who will actively support him in London. His father recommended him to Prince Ferdinand de Medici in Florence.



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Le catalogue de Kirkpatrick est le plus complet et actuellement le plus utilisé ; il recense 555 sonates notées K 001 à K 555

Kirkpatrick's catalog is the most complete and currently the most used; it lists 555 sonatas noted K 001 to K 555