Tip 1: Navigating the SJSU library homepage

The SJSU library homepage has numerous features that would aid in your research success.

You can access the homepage by opening up a internet browser of your choice (Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari) and going to the following link: https://library.sjsu.edu/

You have the option of searching through SJSUs library catalog called OneSearch.

You get to see all the features that are available once you are on the page.

Some features might include:

1. You have access to OneSearch which is SJSU's library catalog.

2. You can search the catalog for articles.

3. You can search the catalog for Journals

4. You can search the catalog for course reserves.

5. You can do a general site search.

6. You have access to research and course guides.

7. You have access to news, events, and exhibits

8. You have a quick links section which gives you access to useful features offered by SJSU.