ProCab / Cab01
2) The Newer V1.3 ProCab replaced the Master Cab which added more buttons and corresponding more options especially with respect to expanded function control. It is the ONLY cab still in production since it replaced the MasterCab and both Wangrow and Ramtraxx went out of business. The cab biggest differences are:
a) Button Support up to F12. One button access up to F12.
b) Momentum Button: Dynamically changes your trains momentum response.
c) Option Button: Free key to program to what ever additional function you want.
d) Shift Button to access shifted functions for all the other buttons. User definable keys.
Above are 5 pictures of the Cab01 as seen from a evolution and the different DCC system manufactures involved.
1) The NCE MasterCab (CAB01) was part of the then MasterSeries of DCC products is on the far left.