Dragon Boat metal trophies
Cool unique gift for your coach, yourself, or your team!!!
Coed/Mixed and All Women styles in
Table top or wall medal hanger models.
Mixed/Coed Trophy
Dragon Boat table top trophies come in 3 color treatments: Oxidized steel, silver steel, painted black @ 22" x 5.5" high, 3.5".
Women Crew Trophy
Dragon Boat table top trophies come in 3 color treatments: Oxidized steel, silver steel, painted black @ 22" x 5.5" high, 3.5".
Wall Mounted Medal Hanging Trophy
Dragon Boat racers will love this!!! Great special place for your race medals! These come in 2 color treatments: Oxidized steel and Silver steel @ 22" x 5.5" high, 0.5".
All trophies have polished finish when facing left. Not polished on side facing right.
To order: Send an email to "dbtrophy @ metroevent . com".
Include model, style, color and shipping address, team discounts for orders of 5 or more.
FREE GROUND SHIPPING within continental US. 6..625% NJ Sales Tax added to NJ orders.
OTHER Services: Dragon Boat ( Sales, Rental, Moving, trophies), Grey Owl and ZRE paddles,
Gelsport & Dragon Saddle seat cushions, Strike Alert
Metro Event Enterprises - Director Resume - 201-738-0918 (voice)
info @ metroevent.com - PO. Box 51, E.Hanover, NJ 07936