(2024.08.08) 해양수산아카데미 세미나
서명지 교수가 국립수산과학원 서해수산연구소가 주최하는 해양수산아카데미 전문가 초청 세미나에서 Potential of salt-loving microorganisms as bioresource: C50 carotenoid bacterioruberin from haloarchaea 라는 주제로 세미나 발표를 진행하였습니다.
(2024.07.18) MBL 회식
2024년도 신입 학부연구생 환영을 위한 연구실 회식을 했습니다. 모두 환영합니다.
(2024.07.03-05) 2024년 한국식품과학회 국제심포지움 및 정기학술대회 (대구 액스코)
2024 KoSFoST International Symposium and Annual Meeting (July 03-05, EXCO, Daegu, South Korea)
(2024.06.19-21) 2024년 한국미생물생명공학회 정기학술대회 및 국제심포지움 (부산 벡스코)
51th Annual Meeting and International Symposium of the Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology (June 19-21, BEXCO, Busan, South Korea)
(2024.04.25-27) 2024년 한국산업식공학회 춘계 정기총회 및 학술대회
프로바이오틱스 및 마이크로바이옴 연구회 세션 발표
(2024.04.17-19) 2024년 한국생물공학회 춘계학술대회 및 국제심포지움
바이오화학 및 화장품 생물공학 부문위원 세션 발표
(2024.02.05-07) 실험실 겨울 MT (용평)
(2023.12.15) MBL year-end party
(2023.11.28) The 36th JSME & The 13th Asian Symposium on Microbial Ecology (November 28-30, Act City Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan)
경혜련 박사는 "Genome analysis of Aequorivita nionensis VBW088T, a carotenoid-producing marine bacterium isolated from a shallow water hydrothermal vent" 라는 주제로 포스터 발표를 진행하였습니다.
(2023.11.24) OPEN LAB for major of bioengineering in INU
(2023.11.23) Joint Lab Meeting with Hanyang University
한양대학교 식품영양학과 고광웅 교수님 실험실과 저희 실험실의 Joint Lab Meeting을 진행하여, 친목 도모 및 추후 공동 연구를 위한 논의를 하였습니다.
(2023.11.10) MOU between Pearlzyme and MBL in INU
(2023.11.01) Dining for MBL family
(2023.10) 2023 MSK International Meeting of the Microbiological Society of Korea (October 25-27, Yeosu Expo Convention Center, Yeosu, South Korea)
(2023.08) MOU between Division of Bioengineering, Incheon National University, Republic of Korea and B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
(2023.08) Graduation ceremony for Dr. Eui-Sang Cho in MBL of INU, 2023
(2023.06) 2023 KoSFoST International Symposium and Annual Meeting of the Korean Society of Food Science and Technology (June 28-30, ICC JEJU, JEJU, South Korea)
(2023.06) 50th Annual Meeting and International Symposium of the Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology (June 21-23, HICO, Gyeongju, South Korea)
(2023.04) The Spring Symposium & Meeting of Korean Society for Food Engineering (April 27-28, Lakai Sandpine, Gangneung, South Korea)
(2023.03) 농심 기능성 소재 연구회 발표
(2023.03) MBL group photo on refresh day
(2023.02) Graduation ceremony for the students in MBL of INU, 2021
(2023.01) KMB's 50th Anniversary and 2023 Winter Symposium of the Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology (January 16-18, Yongpyong Resort, Yongpyong, South Korea)
(2022.12) MBL group photo on the last day of 2022
(2022.12) Prof. Seo made a presentation at the Maritime Policy Research Forum for the discovery of new maritime industries under the theme of East Coast marine mud material development and industrialization strategy (December 15, Members' Office Building, The National Assembly of the Republic of Korea)
Presentation title : Utilization value of marine microorganisms in marine mud in the East Sea, Republic of Korea
(2022.12) MBL year-end party and Happy Birthday for Prof. Myung-Ji Seo. Thank you all !!
(2022.10) 2022 International Meeting of the Microbiological Society of Korea (October 30-November 1, ICCJEJU, Jeju, South Korea)
(2022.08) Project Meeting: Biodegradation of non-hydrolyzable plastics using radiation- and bio-oxidation processes with microbial consortium (August 4, Advanced Radiation Technology Institute, KAERI, Jeongeup, South Korea)
(2022.07) 2022 KoSFoST International Symposium and Annual Meeting of the Korean Society of Food Science and Technology (July 6-8, BEXCO, Busan, South Korea)
(2022.06) 49th Annual Meeting and International Symposium of the Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology (June 22-24, HICO, Gyeongju, South Korea)
(2022.04) MBL Homecoming Day!!
(2022.04) 2022 Spring Symposium and Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Food Engineering (April 21-22, Korea Food Research Institute, Wanju, South Korea)
(2022.03) Thank you for promotion to professor.
(2022.02) 2022 KMB Winter Symposium of the Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology (February 16-18, The Ocean Resort, Yeosu, South Korea)
(2021.12) Dining for MBL family
(2021.08) MSK 2021 International Meeting of the Microbiological Society of Korea (August 25-27, CECO, Changwon, South Korea)
(2021.07) 2021 KoSFoST International Symposium and Annual Meeting of the Korean Society of Food Science and Technology (July 7-9, Daejeon Convention Center, Daejeon, South Korea)
(2021.06) 48th Annual Meeting and International Symposium of the Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology (June 23-25, BEXCO, Busan, South Korea)
(2021.05) Teacher's day. Thank!! MBL.
(2021.02) Graduation ceremony for the students in MBL of INU, 2021
(2020.08) Group photo of MBL family
(2020.07) Dining for MBL family
(2020.07) 2020 KoSFoST International Symposium and Annual Meeting of the Korean Society of Food Science and Technology (July 1-3, Kimdaejung Convention Center, Gwangju)
(2020.05) Teacher's day. Thank!! MBL.
(2020.01) Winter Symposium of the Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology (Jan. 13-15, Yongpyong)
(2019.12) 2019 International Conference of the Korean Society of Lactic Acid Bacteria and Probiotics (Dec. 12, Kunkook University, Seoul)
(2019.11) Year end party for MBL family with alumni
(2019.06) 2019 KoSFoST International Symposium and Annual Meeting of the Korean Society of Food Science and Technology (June 26-28, Songdo Convensia, Incheon)
(2019.06) 46th Annual Meeting and International Symposium of the Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology (June 23-25, ICC JEJU, Jeju)
(2019.06) Group photo of MBL family
(2019.01) Winter Symposium of the Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology (Jan. 14-16, Yongpyong)
(2019.01) A New Year's party for MBL family with alumni
(2018.11) Joint Bio-Forum of Inha University and Incheon National University
(2018.10) 2018 International Meeting of the Federal of Korean Microbiological Societies (Oct. 11-12, The-K Hotel, Seoul)
(2018.09) Dining for MBL family
(2018.06) 45th Annual Meeting and International Symposium of the Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology (June 27-29, Yeosu Expo Convention Center, Yeosu)
(2018.05) Dining for MBL family
(2018.03) Dining for MBL alumni
(2018.02) Graduation ceremony for the students in MBL of INU, 2018
(2018.01) Winter Symposium of the Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology (Jan. 15-17, Yongpyong)
(2017.12) Year end party for MBL family with alumni
(2017.07) Dining for MBL family with alumni
(2017.06) 44th Annual Meeting and International Symposium of the Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology (June 28-30, BEXCO, Busan)
(2017.05) Dining for MBL alumni
(2017.05) Teacher's day. Thank you! MBL.
(2017.01) Winter Symposium of the Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology (Jan. 16-18, Yongpyong)
(2016.12) Year end party for MBL family (feat. Prof. Kyobum Kim)
(2016.12) Happy Birthday for Prof. Myung-Ji Seo (Thank you! MBL)
(2016.09) Snack party for MBL family
(2016.06) 43rd Annual Meeting and International Symposium of the Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology (June 22-24, DCC, Daejeon)
(2016.05) Festival of INU (feat. Prof. Kyobum Kim and Prof. Kyung Min Park)
(2016.05) Teacher's day. Thank you! MBL.
(2016.02) Graduation ceremony for the students in MBL of INU, 2016
(2016.01) Winter Symposium of the Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology (Jan. 16-18, Yongpyong)
(2015.12) Year end party for MBL family
(2015.12) Happy Birthday for Prof. Myung-Ji Seo (Thank you! MBL)
(2015.09) Group photo of MBL family (feat. Dr. Seong Woon Roh)
(2015.06) 42nd Annual Meeting and International Symposium of the Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology (June 24-26, HICO, Gyeongju)
(2015.05) Teacher's day. Thank you! MBL.
(2015.05) 2015 Spring Symposium and Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Food Engineering (May 8, Sejong University, Seoul)
(2014.05) Workshop for "Industrialization of food- and human-derived microbial genetic resources" with KFRI, KBSI and INU
(2014.05) Teacher's day. Thank you! MBL.
(2014.04) Dining for MBL family
(2013.12) Happy Birthday for Prof. Myung-Ji Seo (Thank you! MBL)
(2013.09) BioKorea with MBL family (Kintex, Ilsan)