
(2025.01) Welcome to MBL as undergraduate research students.

김소진(생명과학부) 학생이 MBL에 학부연구생으로 참여하게 되었습니다. 환영합니다.

(2024.12) Congratulations!! The paper by Dr. Eui-Sang Cho was published in Bioresources and Bioprocessing (IF 4.3, JCR 23.6%).

Cho et al. (2024) Optimized production of bacterioruberin from “Haloferax marinum” using one-factor-at-a-time and central composite design approaches. Bioresour. Bioprocess. 11(1): 111

본 논문은 Haloferax marinum MBLA0078 균주의 발효공정 최적화를 통해 C50 카로티노이드인 박테리오루베린(Bacterioruberin)의 생산성을 향상시키는데 그 목표를 둔 연국 논문입니다. 전략적으로 One-Factor-At-a-Time(OFAT) 방법과 통계적 접근법(Plackett-Burman 설계 및 반응 표면 방법, RSM)을 활용하여 최적 발효조건을 구축함으로써 향후 대규모 박테리오루베린의 생산 공정 개발 및 기능성 연구(항산화, 항염증, 근육 보호 효과 등)에 중요한 기초 자료로 활용될 수 있습니다.

(2024.12) 염전 미생물 유래 피부보호 및 신경세포 흥분 억제 유전자 발견 관련 언론홍보

국내 호염 환경 시료로부터 분리한 극호염성 고균(Haloarchaea)의 전장 유전체 분석을 통해 C50 카로티노이드인 박세리오루베린(Bacterioruberin) 및 할로로돕신(Halorhodopsin) 유전자원을 확보하고 이를 통해 항산화 기반의 피부보호 및 신경 안정을 위한 바이오 소재의 생산 가능성을 확인

참조: 국립생물자원관 및 인천대학교(서명지 교수) 공동 연구 결과

(2024.11) MBL 학부연구생들의 2024 대학생 생물분류 연구논문 공모전 수상을 축하합니다.

우수상: 한국 해양환경에서의 카로티노이드 천연색소 생산 미생물 동정 및 확인 (이다연, 서예원 학생)

특별상: 국내 호염성 고균의 생물다양성 규명을 위한 다상분류학적 연구 (김민지, 심다연 학생)

참조: 대학생 생물분류 연구논문 공모전은 매년 환경부 국립생물자원관에서 주최 및 주관하는 국내 대표적인 대학생 생물분류 연구 분야의 권위있는 전국 대회임

(2024.09) Congratulations!! The paper by Hyeju Lee was published in Microbial Biotechnology (IF 4.8, JCR 15.5%).

Lee et al. (2024) Bacterioruberin extract from Haloarchaea Haloferax marinum: Component identification, antioxidant activity and anti-atrophy effect in LPS-treated C2C12 myotubes. Microb. Biotechnol. 17(9): e70009

본 논문은 극호염성 고균인 Haloferax marinum MBLA0078이 생산하는 C50 카로티노이드인 박테리오루베린(Bacterioruberin)이 기존의 C40 카로티노이드보다 항산화력이 높고, 단백질 합성을 촉진하며, 근육 단백질 분해를 억제하는 기능을 보임을 나타내고 있습니다. 이를 통해 박테리오루베린이 근감소증(Sarcopenia), 근육 위축 질환(예: 암성 악액질, 노화 관련 근육 위축, 유전적 근위축 질환) 및 근육 손실 예방을 위한 기능성 식품 및 바이오의약품 소재로 적용될 수 있음을 제시하고 있습니다.

해당 연구는 부경대학교 이상길 교수 연구팀과 공동으로 진행되었습니다.


(2024.08) Welcome to MBL as undergraduate research students.

최지우(선문대학교 식품과학과) 학생이 MBL에 학부연구생으로 참여하게 되었습니다. 환영합니다.

(2024.08) Congratulations!! The paper by Inonge Noni Siziya was published in International Journal of Biological Macromolecules (IF 7.7, JCR 6.38%).

Siziya et al. (2024) Mannosidase-inhibiting iminosugar production by recombinant Corynebacterium glutamicum harboring the 1-deoxynojirimycin biosynthetic gene cluster. Int. J. Biol. Macromol. 278: 134858

본 논문은 Bacillus velezensis에서 유래한 항당뇨 기능성 소재인 1-deoxynojirimycin (DNJ)의 생합성 유전자 클러스터를 재조합 Corynebacterium glutamicum에 도입하여, mannosidase-inhibiting 이미노당을 생산하는 방법을 다루고 있습니다. 또한 DNJ의 핵심 생합성 효소인 GabT1, Yktc1, GutB1의 특성을 정제 형태 및 세포 생촉매 형태에서 각각 분석하고, 다양한 기질에서 이미노당의 생산성 및 효소 억제능을 평가하였습니다.

본 연구를 통해 DNJ 및 DMJ와 같은 mannosidase-inhibiting 이미노당을 효율적으로 생산할 수 있는 미생물 균주 플랫폼을 활용하여, 당뇨병 및 암, 희귀질환, 바이러스 감염 등의 치료를 위한 이미노당 기반의 신약 개발 가능성을 제시하고 있습니다.

(2024.08) Congratulations!! 연구과제 선정

황치영(박사과정) 학생과 이요섭(석박사통합과정) 학생이 2024년도 한국연구재단 이공분야 학문후속세대지원사업에서 각각 연구책임자로 연구과제를 수주하였습니다. 축하합니다.


연구책임자: 황치영(박사과정)

연구개발과제명: 기능성 식품 소재로서 수용성 C30 카로티노이드 대량 생산을 위한 코리네박테리움 글루타미쿰 균주 개발

연구기간(총 연구비): 2024.09.01-2026.08.31 (50,000,000원)


연구책임자: 이요섭(석박사통합과정)

연구개발과제명: 가축 사료 개발을 위한 핵심 C40 카로티노이드 소재인 아스타잔틴 생산 코리네박테리움 글루타미쿰 균주 개발

연구기간(총 연구비): 2024.07.01-2025.06.30 (12,000,000원)

(2024.07) Congratulations!! 과학기술우수논문상 수상

서명지 교수제2회 세계 한인 과학기술인대회(07.09-11, 한국과학기술회관)에서 ‘제34회 과학기술우수논문상’을 수상하였습니다. 축하합니다.

수상한 논문은 김치로부터 분리한 C30 카로티노이드를 생산하는 Lactiplantibacillus plantarum의 프로바이오틱 및 항산화 기능성 규명을 주제로 한국식품과학회에서 발간하는 학술지인 Food Science and Biotechnology에 게재된 논문입니다.

(2024.07) Congratulations!! Poster Presentation Award

황치영(박사과정), 임효정(박사과정), 이요섭(석박사통합과정) 학생2024년도 한국식품과학회 국제심포지움 및 정기학술대회 (07.03-05, 대구 EXCO)에서 우수포스터상을 수상하였습니다. 축하합니다.

황치영: Production of the rare C30 carotenoid 4,4'-diaponeurosporene in Corynebacterium glutamicum for food application

임효정: Functional roles of aminotransferase gabT1 and phosphatase yktc1 of 1-deoxynojirimycin biosynthesis in Bacillus velezensis MBLB0692

이요섭: Metabolically engineered Corynebacterium glutamicum producing C40 carotenoid cantaxanthin for potential food and feed industries

(2024.06) Welcome to MBL as undergraduate research students.

박세익, 허세현, 윤우성, 조미소, 황수빈(이상 생명공학전공) 학생이 MBL에 학부연구생으로 참여하게 되었습니다. 환영합니다.






(2024.06) Congratulations!! Poster Presentation Award

황치영(박사과정) 학생2024년도 한국미생물생명공학회 정기학술대회 및 국제심포지움(06.19-21, 부산 BEXCO)에서 "Metabolic pathway reconstruction strategies for rare C30 carotenoid 4,4'-diaponeurosporene production using engineered Corynebacterium glutamicum" 이라는 제목으로 포스터발표 장려상을 수상하였습니다. 축하합니다.

(2024.06) Congratulations!! The paper by Hyo Jung Lim was published in Process Biochemistry (IF 4.4, JCR 29.7%).

Lim et al. (2024) Verification and applicatiuon of 1-deoxynojirimycin biosynthesis: Recent advances and future prospects. Process Biochemistry 141: 118-131

본 리뷰논문은 항당뇨 소재로 적용이 가능한 alkaloid 계열의 imino sugar인 1-deoxynojirimycin (DNJ)의 생합성 경로와 DNJ의 생산성 증대 방법을 다루고 있습니다. 특히 식물과 미생물에서의 DNJ 생합성 경로 규명에 대한 연구들을 리뷰하고 있으며, 핵심 생합성 유전자원의 추가 기능 규명, DNJ 생산 수율 향상 등을 논의함으로써 향후 DNJ의 생물공학적 생산을 위한 방향성을 제시하고 있습니다.

(2024.03) Welcome to MBL as graduate students.

이요섭(석박통합과정) 학생 및 이동석 (석사과정) 학생이 2024년도 대학원생으로 MBL에 입학하였습니다. 환영합니다.

(2024.01.12) Congratulations on patent registration in 2024. 

등록번호: 10-2626229

발명의 명칭: 극호염성 고균인 할로루브럼 소도멘스 MBLA0099 균주를 이용한 C50 카로티노이드 생산 방법

발명자: 서명지, 조의상, 황치영

(2024.01.03) Congratulations!! Chi Young Hwang's paper was published in Microbial Cell Factories (IF 6.4, JCR 12.7%). 

Hwang et al. (2024) Optimization of bacterioruberin production from Halorubrum ruber and assessment of its antioxidant potential. Microbial Cell Factories 23(1): 2. 

국내 서해 바다에서 분리한 Harorubrum ruber MBLA0099 균주의 카로티노이드 생산성을 확인하고 발효공정 최적화를 통한 C50 카로티노이드인 박테리오루베린 소재의 생산성을 향상시켰으며, 해당 희귀 천연색소 소재의 항산화 기능성을 평가하였습니다.

본 연구는 동국대학교 화공생물공학과의 김교범 교수님 연구팀과 공동연구를 통해 진행되었습니다.

(2023.11.10) MOU between Pearlzyme and MBL in INU

(주)펄자임과 인천대학교 미생물생명공학연구실 간의 산학협력협약서를 작성하고 앞으로 산학 협력 연계를 통한 공동연구 및 인력 양성에 상호 협력하고자 합니다.

(2023.11.07) Congratulations!! Chi Young Hwang's paper was published in Microorganisms. 

Hwang et al. (2023) A novel carotenoid-producing bacterium, Paenibacillus aurantius sp. nov., isolated from Korean marine environment. Microorganisms 11(11): 2719. 

국내 울진 후포 지역의 마린머드로 부터 카로티노이드를 생산하는 신규 미생물, Paenibacillus aurantius MBLB1776T 균주를 분리하고 이의 phenotypic, chemotaxonomic, genomic, phylogenetic, phylogenomic 특성을 분석하였으며, 희귀 C30 카로티노이드(4,4'-diapocarotenoid 유도체)의 생합성을 규명하였습니다.

(2023.08) Congratulations on doctoral degree for Eui-Sang Cho

Dr. Eui-Sang Cho

Dissertation: Investigation on the production of bacterioruberin using Haloferax spp. nov. isolated from seawater

Currently at Dept. of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biophysics in Univesity of Minnesota (post-doc, PI: Claudia Schimidt-Dannert)

(2023.06) Welcome to MBL as undergraduate research students.

한상오, 김민지, 서예원, 이다연, 홍수희(이상 생명공학전공), 김은성(생명과학전공), 심다연(분자의생명전공) 학생이 MBL에 학부연구생으로 참여하게 되었습니다. 

(2023.06) Congratulations!!

2023년도 한국식품과학회 국제학술대회(06.28-06.30, 제주 ICC)에서 황치영(박사과정) 학생과 임효정(박사과정) 학생이 우수포스터상을 수상하였습니다.

황치영(박사과정) 학생 포스터 발표: Carotenoid profiling and quantification of common cereals in Korea agricultural food

임효정(박사과정) 학생 포스터 발표: Elucidation of the role of core essential genes in the biosynthesis of 1-deoxynojirimycin by Bacillus velesensis MBLB0692 isolated from cucumber kimchi

(2023.06) Congratulations!!

조의상(박사과정) 학생이 2023년도 한국미생물생명공학회 국제학술대회(06.21-06.23, 경주 HICO)에서 50주년 기념 발효식품미생물 학술분과 학생상 최우수상을 수상하였습니다.

또한 임효정(박사과정) 학생은 "Functional roles of three biosynthetic gene for 1-deoxynojirimycin, aminotransferase (GabT1), phosphatase (YktC1) and alcohol dehydrogenase (GutB1), in Bacillus velesensis MBLB0692 isolated from cucumber kimchi" 라는 제목으로 구두발표 장려상을 수상하였습니다.

(2023.05) [Press Article] Discovery of UV-resistant microbes (Haloarchaea) and follow-up research on the application of cosmetic biomaterials 

Collaboration between National Institute of Biological Resources (NIBR) and Incheon National University (INU)

(2023.04) Congratulations!!

조의상(박사과정) 학생이 2023년도 한국산업식품공학회 춘계 학술대회(04.27-04.28, 강릉 라카이샌드파인 리조트)에서 "Isolation and evaluation of useful probiotic strains from the honey bees gut for the development of artificial feed for honey bees" 라는 제목으로 우수논문(포스터) 발표상을 수상하였습니다.

(2023.03) Hyo Jung Lim joined in the MBL as Ph.D graduate student. Welcome!! 

(2023.03) Congratulations!! Chi Young Hwang's paper was published in Food Science and Biotechnology. 

Title: Probiotic and antioxidant properties of C30 carotenoid-producing Lactiplantibacillus plantarum isolated from kimchi

First authors: Chi Young Hwang and Eui-Sang Cho (Co-first authors at Incheon National University)

(2022.02) Congratulations to Hyo Jung Lim on her master's degree.

Master's thesis: Characterization of the TYB gene cluster from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens MBLB0692 for the enzymatic production of 1-deoxynojirimycin

(2023.02) Congratulations!! Eui-Sang Cho won the Oral Presentation Award at 39th Congress and Interntionl Symposium of Apicultural Society of Korea (Hotel Sunshine, Daejeon, February 8-9, 2023).

Cho's presentation title : Microbial diversity analysis by cultured-dependent and -independent approaches in domestic honey bees and the potential probiotic evaluation of isolated strains 

(2023.01) Congratulations!! Dr. Kim's paper was published in Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 

Title: 4,4'-Diaponeurosporene production as C30 carotenoid with antioxidant activity in recombinant Escherichia coli

First author: Mibang Kim (Worked and recieved Ph.D. degree at Incheon National University, and currently working as post-doc in Pohang University of Science and Technology)

(2023.01) Dr. Hyeryeon Gyeong joined in the MBL as postdoctoral researcher. Welcome!!

(2022.12) Dong-Seok Lee joined in the MBL as undergraduate research students. Welcome!! 

(2022.10) Congratulations!! Dr. Siziya's paper was published in Antioxidants. 

Title: Antioxidant potential and capacity of microorganism-sourced C30 carotenoids - a review

First author: Inonge Noni Siziya (Incheon National University)

(2022.10) Congratulations!! Chi Young Hwang was awarded Best Oral Presentation Award at 2022 International Meeting of the Microbiological Society of Korea (ICCJEJU, Jeju, October30-November 1, 2022).

Hwang's presentation title : Study of Microbial Carotenoid: A Focus on the Optimixzation of Bacterioruberin Production and Its Antioxidant Properties 

(2022.10) Congratulations!! Hwang's paper was published in Journal of Microbiology. 

Title: Genomic and physiological analysis of C50 carotenoid-producing novel Halorubrum ruber sp. nov.

Co-first authors: Chi Young Hwang and Eui-Sang Cho (Incheon National University)

(2022.09) Congratulations!! Cho's paper was published in Archives of Microbiology. 

Title: Paenibacillus mellifer sp. nov., isolated from gut of the honey bee Apis mellifera 

Co-first authors: Eui-Sang Cho and Chi Young Hwang (Incheon National University)

(2022.08) Congratulations!! Cho's paper was published in Archives of Microbiology. 

Title: Fictibacillus marinisediminis sp. nov., a nitrate-reducing bacterium isolated from marine sediment in Hupo Basin, Republic of Korea

Co-first authors: Eui-Sang Cho and Chi Young Hwang (Incheon National University)

(2022.07) Congratulations!! Dr. Siziya's paper was published in Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 

Title: Enhanced production of C30  carotenoid 4,4'-diaponeurosporene by optimizing culture conditions of Lactiplantibacillus plantarum subsp. plantarum KCCP11226T

Co-first authors: Inonge Noni Siziya and Deock Jun Yoon (Incheon National University)

(2022.06) Congratulations!! Chi Young Hwang was awarded the student oral presentation award at 49th annual meeting and international symposium of the Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology (HICO, Gyeongju, June 22-24, 2022).

Hwang's presentation title : Bacterioruberin as C50 carotenoid from Halorubrum sp.: Response surface methodological optimization and antioxidant activity assessment 

(2022.06) Yoseop Lee, Min Jong An, Minseo Ji, and Minyeong Ku joined in the MBL as undergraduate research students. Welcome!! 

(2022.06) We have won research project supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MIST)

Research project: Bioprocess development for the production of rare C30 carotenoid natural pigment based on combinatorial biosynthesis and optimized Corynebacterium glutamicum system

Project period: 2022/06/01 - 2025/02/28 (3 years)

Total budget: 132,000,000 KRW

(2022.05) We have won research project supported by development project of waste plastic reducing technology using radiation funded by the ministry of science and ICT. This research project will be conducted through a collaborative research of three institutes including Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI), Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), and Incheon National University.

Research project: Improving degradation efficiency of non-hydrolyzable plastic using radiation- and bio oxidation processing technology

Project period: 2022/05/01 - 2026/12/31 (4.5 years)

Total budget: 3,600,000,000 KRW (MBL portion is 270,000,000 KRW)

(2022.05) We have won research project supported by Korea Food Research Institute (KFRI).

Research project: Isolation of natural pigment-producing microorganisms from marine mud

Project period: 2022/05/06 - 2022/12/20 (8 months)

Total budget: 38,780,000 KRW

(2022.05) Congratulations on paper acceptance in Microorganisms 2022. 

Title: Genomic and physiological characterization of Metabacillus flavus sp. nov., a novel carotenoid-producing Bacilli isolated from Korean marine mud

First authors: Chi Young Hwang (Incheon National University)

(2022.04) We have won research project supported by the promotion project of laboratory-specialized startup-leading university funded by the ministry of education and ministry of science and ICT.

Research project: Technical development of carotenoid natural pigment production with antioxidant activity based on the microbial fermentation

Project period: 2022/02/01 - 2023/01/31 (1 year)

Total budget: 60,000,000 KRW

(2022.04) We were award a research grant from Rural Development Administration (RDA). This research project will be conducted through a collaborative research of three universities including Dankook university, Kyung Hee University, and Incheon National University.

Research project: Establishment of carotenoid database of Korean agricultural products and foods (K-agrifoods)

Project period: 2022/04/01 - 2026/12/31 (5 years)

Total budget: 1,547,000,000 KRW (MBL portion is 380,500,000 KRW)

(2022.04) Congratulations on paper acceptance in World J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 2022. 

Title: Expression, purification, and characterization of glutamate decarboxylase from human gut-originated Lactococcus garvieae MJF010

First authors: Hyo Jung Lim (Incheon National University)

(2022.04) Congratulations!! Hyo Jung Lim received the STEM Research Team Project (Intensive Course) funded by Korea Center for Women in Science, Engineering, and Technology (WISET).

Project title: Development of the cell-free biocatalysis platform by using 1-deoxynojirimycin biosynthetic genes from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens MBLB0692

Project period: 2022/04/01 - 2022/10/31

Total budget: 8,000,000 KRW

(2022.03) Congratulations on patent registration in 2022. 

Patent number: 10-2379746

Title: Production of γ-aminobutyric acid by recombinant glutamate decarboxylase from Lactococcus garvieae MJF010

Inventors: Myung-Ji Seo, Eui-Sang Cho, Hyo Jung Lim

(2022.03) Dr. Inonge Noni Siziya joined in the MBL as postdoctoral researcher. Chi Young Hwang also joined in the MBL as Ph.D graduate student. Welcome!! 

(2022.02) Project related to "Discovery of microbial resources in extremely environments and characterizations of their features (Phase 2 Year 3)" was funded by National Institute of Biological Resources (NIBR).

Project period: 2022/02/01 - 2022/11/30

Total budget: 72,000,000 KRW

(2022.02) Congratulations on master's degrees.

Chi Young Hwang for master's degree (Thesis: Studies on the production of bacterioruberin as a C50 carotenoid by Halorubrum sp. MBLA0099 isolated from the Yellow sea)

Deok Jun Yoon for master's degree (Thesis: Optimization for the 4,4'-diaponeurosporene production as a C30 carotenoid by Lactiplantibacillus plantarum KCCP11226T) 

(2021.11) Congratulations on paper acceptance in Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 2021. 

Title: Haloferax litoreum sp. nov., Haloferax marinisediminis sp. nov., and Haloferax marinum sp. nov., low salt-tolerant haloarchaea isolatedfrom seawater and sediment 

First authors: Eui-Sang Cho (Incheon National University)

(2021.07) Congratulations!! Chae Rin Yun was awarded the excellent poster award at 2021 KoSFoST international symposium and annual meeting of the Korean Society of Food Science and Technology (Daejeon Convention Center, Daejeon, July 7-9, 2021).

Chae Rin Yun presented the poster titled "Lycopene cyclase (CrtY) in C40 carotenoid astaxanthin biosynthesis from Paracoccus marcusii MBLB0836: isolation and expression".

(2021.07) Congratulations on paper acceptance in Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 2021. 

Title: Nocardioides luti sp. nov., belonging to the family Nocardioidaceae isolated from kaolinite, exhibiting the biosynthesis potential of alkylresorcinol 

First authors: Deok Jun Yoon (Incheon National University), Eui-Sang Cho (Incheon National University)

(2021.07) Congratulations on paper acceptance in Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 2021. 

Title: Halobellus ruber sp. nov., a deep red-pigmented extremely halophilic archaeon isolated from a Korean solar saltern 

First authors: Chi Young Hwang (Incheon National University), Eui-Sang Cho (Incheon National University)

(2021.06) Congratulations!! Eui-Sang Cho was awarded the poster presentation award at 48th annual meeting and international symposium of the Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology (BEXCO, Busan, June 23-25, 2021).

Cho's poster presented "Bacterioruberin as C50 carotenoid from Haloferax marinum MBLA0078: Culture optimization and antioxidant activity". 

(2021.06) Congratulations on best editor award in 48th annual meeting and international symposium of the Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology (BEXCO, Busan, June 23-25, 2021).

Prof. Myung-ji Seo received the best editor award for the contribution to the development and status of Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology as role of editor.

(2021.06) Jaewan Kim, Woonggyu Rim, Suhyun Lee, and Sun Hyung Jung joined in the MBL as undergraduate research students. Welcome!! 

(2021.06) Congratulations!! Eui-Sang Cho received the Research Subsidies for Ph.D. Candidates Project through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education.

Project title: Verification of antioxidant activity and development of mass production technology for bacterioruberin produced by halophilic archeaon Haloferax sp.

Project period: 2021/06/01 - 2023/05/31

Total budget: 40,000,000 KRW

(2021.03) Hyojung Lim and Cherin Yun joined in the MBL as MS graduate students. Welcome!! 

(2021.02) Project related to "Discovery of microbial resources in extremely environments and characterizations of their features (Phase 2 Year 2)" was funded by National Institute of Biological Resources (NIBR).

Project period: 2021/02/01 - 2021/11/30

Total budget: 40,000,000 KRW

(2021.02) Congratulations on doctoral and master's degrees.

Hyunjin Lee for doctoral degree (Dissertation: Studies on the biosynthesis of 1-deoxynojirimycin as an α-glucosidase inhibitor in Bacillus velezensis K26)

Mibang Kim for doctoral degree (Dissertation: Studies on the biosynthesis of 4,4'-diaponeurosporene as a C30 carotenoid in Lactobacillus plantarum subsp. plantarum KCCP11226)

Jeonghye for master's degree (Thesis: Characterization of gabT1, yktc1, and gutB1 for the 1-deoxynojirimycin biosynthesis in Bacillus atrophaeus MBLB1156)

(2021.02) Completion of start-up club activity of graduate school in Incheon National university.

Club name: CEO ( Carotenoid Extract Operation)

Members: Eui-Sang Cho, Chi Yiung Hwang, Deok Jun Yoon, Hyunjin Lee, Mibang Kim, Jeonghye Chun, Hyojung Lim, Chaerin Yun, Jeong In Park, Jiseoo Baek, Hanseul Lim

Activity: Development of microbial carotenoid bio-resources as  natural pigments

(2021.01) Congratulations on paper acceptance in Genomics 2021. 

Title: Genome analysis of 1-deoxynojirimycin (1-DNJ)-producing Bacillus velezensis K26 and distribution of Bacillus sp. harboring a 1-DNJ biosynthetic gene cluster

First authors: Hyunjin Lee (Incheon National University), Dong-Hyun Jung (Nakdonggang National Institute of Biological Resources)

(2021.01) Congratulations on paper acceptance in Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 2021. 

Title: 4,4'-Diaponeurosporene from Lactobacillus plantarum subsp. plantarum KCCP11226: Low temperature stress-induced production enhancement and in vitro antioxidant activity 

First authors: Mibang Kim (Incheon National University), Dong-Hyun Jung (Nakdonggang National Institute of Biological Resources)

(2021.01) Congratulations on patent registration in 2021. 

Patent number: 10-2203500

Title: Carotenoid-producing Lactobacillus pentosus and composition for anti-oxidative activity comprising thereof

Inventors: Myung-Ji Seo, Mibang Kim

(2021.01) We were award a research grant from Rural Development Administration (RDA). This research project will be conducted through a collaborative research of two universities including Incheon National University and Dong-A University.

Research project: Establishing a base for the molecular breeding of honeybees and development of genomic-based alternative feed

Project period: 2021/01/01 - 2023/12/31 (3 years)

Total budget: 1,905,000,000 KRW (MBL portion is 235,000,000 KRW)

(2020.09) Congratulations on presentation awards in 47th annual meeting and symposium of the Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology (Sep. 23-25, e-Conference) 2020.

Mibang Kim

Eui-Sang Cho

Chi Young Hwang

(2020.09) Congratulations on academic awards in 47th annual meeting and symposium of the Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology (Sep. 23-25, e-Conference) 2020.

Prof. Myung-ji Seo was awarded the academic award for a researcher around 40 years of age, with outstanding achievements such as publication of papers in leading international journals and registration of patents in the field of microbiology and biotechnology.

(2020.08) Congratulations on patent registration in 2020. 

Patent number: 10-2151345

Title: Bacillus velezensis having a biofilm formation of dental caries-inducible bacteria inhibiting ability and composition for preventing dental caries comprising the same 

Inventors: Myung-Ji Seo, Ye Sol Yoo, Hyunjin Lee

(2020.08) Jisoo Baek, Hanseul Lim, and Changjae Lee joined in the MBL as undergraduate research students. Welcome!! 

(2020.07) Congratulations on presentation awards in 2020 KoSFoST international symposium and annual meeting of the Korean Society of Food Science and Technology (July 1-3, Kimdaejung Convention Center, Gwangju) 2020.

Mibang Kim

Hyunjin Lee

(2020.07) Congratulations on paper acceptance in Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 2020. 

Title: Hymenobacter lutimineralis sp. nov., belonging to the family Hymeobacteraceae, isolated from zeolite 

First authors: Eui-Sang Cho (Incheon National University)

(2020.04) Congratulations!! Jeonghye Chun received the STEM Research Team Project (Intensive Course) funded by Korea Center for Women in Science, Engineering, and Technology (WISET).

Project title: Study on biosynthetic gene functions involved in the 1-deoxynojirimycin production by Bacillus atrophaeus MBLB1156

Project period: 2020/04/01 - 2020/10/31

Total budget: 7,000,000 KRW

(2020.04) Congratulations on paper acceptance in 3 Biotech 2020. 

Title: Genome analysis of Lactobacillus plantarum subsp. plantarum KCCP11226 reveals a well-conserved C30 carotenoid biosynthetic pathway  

First authors: Mibang Kim (Incheon National University), Dong-Hyun Jung (Nakdonggang National Institute of Biological Resources)

(2020.03) Project related to "Exploration and identification of novel/useful microorganisms from marine mud" was funded by Korea Food Research Institute (KFRI).

Project period: 2020/03/01 - 2021/12/31

Total budget: 80,000,000 KRW

(2020.03) Congratulations!! Mibang Kim received the Research Travel Grants funded by Korea Center for Women in Science, Engineering, and Technology (WISET).

(2020.03) Deok jun Yoon and Chi Young Hwang joined in the MBL as MS graduate students. Welcome!! 

(2020.02) Project related to "Isolation of fermented foods-derived microorganisms producing rare natural C30 carotenoids and development of probiotics exhibiting antioxidant potential" was funded by OTTOGI HAM TAIHO FOUNDATION.

Project period: 2020/02/01 - 2022/01/31

Total budget: 80,000,000 KRW

(2020.02) Congratulation!! Prof. Myung-ji Seo was awarded the academic research award (2019) of Incheon National University (INU).

(2019.12) Congratulations on paper acceptance in Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 2020. 

Title: Isolation of Lactobacillus plantarum subsp. plantarum producing C30 carotenoid 4,4'-diaponeurosporene and the assessment of its antioxidant activity   

First authors: Mibang Kim (Incheon National University), Dong-Ho Seo (Jeonbuk National University)

(2019.12) Congratulations on patent registration in 2019. 

Patent number: 10-2058800

Title: Method for producing 1-deoxynojirimycin using Bacillus velezensis 

Inventors: Myung-Ji Seo, Hyunjin Lee

(2019.12) Congratulations on 汝松 young scientist awards in 2019 international conference of the Korean Society of Lactic Acid Bacteria and Probiotics (6 Dec. 2019, Kunkook university, Seoul).

Mibang Kim

(oral competition)

Jeonghye Chun

(poster presentation)

(2019.09) Congratulations!! Hyunjin Lee received the Research Subsidies for Ph.D. Candidates Project through the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education.

Project title: Genome mining-based functional analysis of 1-deoxynojirimycin from Bacillus velezensis 

Project period: 2019/09/01 - 2020/08/31

Total budget: 20,000,000 KRW

(2019.09) Congratulations on paper acceptance in Current Microbiology 2019. 

Title: Paenibacillus lutimineralis sp. nov., isolated from bentonite    

First authors: Eui-Sang Cho (Incheon National University)

(2019.07) Hyojung Lee, Min Ji Kim, Jeong In Park, Chaerin Yun, Yu Rim Park, and Yeon Woo Yu joined in the MBL as undergraduate research students. Welcome!! 

(2019.07) Congratulations on paper acceptance in Journal of Microbiology 2019. 

Title: Paenibacillus psychroresistens sp. nov., isolated from the soil of an Arctic glacial retreat

First authors: In-Tae Cha (World Institute of Kimchi), Eui-Sang Cho (Incheon National University)

(2019.06) Congratulation!! Eui-Sang Cho received the outstanding poster award in 2019 KoSFoST international symposium and annual meeting of the Korean Society of Food Science and Technology (June 26-28, Songdo Convensia, Incheon) 2019.

(2019.06) Congratulation!! Mibang Kim received the outstanding poster award in 46th annual meeting and international symposium of the Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology (June 23-25, ICC JEJU, Jeju) 2019.

(2019.06) Congratulations on paper acceptance in Journal of Biotechnology 2019. 

Title: Inhibitory effect of Bacillus velezensis on biofilm formation by Streptomyces mutans

First authors: Yesol Yoo (Incheon National University), Dong-Ho Seo (Korea Food Research Institute)

(2019.05) Congratulations on paper acceptance in International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 2019. 

Title: Roseovarius faecimaris sp. nov., isolated from a tidal flat

First authors: In-Tae Cha (World Institute of Kimchi), Eui-Sang Cho (Incheon National University)

(2019.03) Project related to "Development of anti-cancer pharmabiotics by 4,4'-diaponeurosporene-producing lactic acid bacteria" as Mid-Career Researcher Program by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) was funded by the Korea government (MIST).

Project period: 2019/03/01 - 2022/02/28

Total budget: 300,000,000 KRW

(2019.03) Jeonghye Chun joined in the MBL as MS graduate student. Welcome!! 

(2018.12) Congratulations on paper acceptance in Journal of Microbiology 2018. 

Title: Zunongwangia flava sp. nov., belonging to the family Flavobacteriaceae, isolated from Salicornia europaea

First authors: Eui-Sang Cho (Incheon National University), In-Tae Cha (World Institute of Kimchi)

(2018.10) Congratulation!! Hyunjin Lee and Mibang Kim received the outstanding oral presentation awards in 2018 international meeting of the Federal of Korean Microbiological Societies (Oct. 11-12, The-K Hotel, Seoul).

Hyunjin Lee

Mibang Kim

(2018.10) Congratulations on paper acceptance in International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 2018. 

Title: Haloplanus rallus sp. nov., a halophilic archaeon isolated from crude solar salt

First authors: Eui-Sang Cho (Incheon National University), In-Tae Cha (World Institute of Kimchi)

(2018.08) Congratulations on paper acceptance in Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering 2018. 

Title: Culture optimization strategy for 1-deoxynojirimycin-producing Bacillus methylotrophicus K26 isolated from Korean fermented soybean paste, Doenjang

First authors: Hyunjin Lee (Incheon National University)

(2018.07) In Woo Park, Chae Eun Kim, Sang-Mi Oh, and Min Ju Kim joined in the MBL as undergraduate research students. Welcome!! 

(2018.03) Congratulations on paper acceptance in World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 2018. 

Title: Expression and characterization of glutamate decarboxylase from Lactobacillus brevis HYE1 isolated from kimchi

First authors: Hee Seon Lim (Incheon National University)

(2018.02) Congratulations on master's degree.

Yesol Yoo for master's degree (Thesis: The inhibitory effect of Bacillus velezensis on Streptococcus mutans-mediated biofilm formation)

(2017.12) Congratulations on paper acceptance in International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 2017. 

Title: Nioella aestuarii sp. nov., of the family Rhodobacteraceae, isolated from tidal flat 

First authors: In-Tae Cha, Eui-Sang Cho (Incheon National University)

(2017.11) Congratulations on paper acceptance in International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 2017. 

Title: Paenibacillus arcticus sp. nov., isolated from Arctic soil  

First authors: In-Tae Cha, Eui-Sang Cho (Incheon National University)

(2017.10) Congratulations on paper acceptance in International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 2017. 

Title: Flavimarina flava sp. nov., isolated from Salicornia herbacea   

First authors: Eui-Sang Cho, In-Tae Cha (Incheon National University)

(2017.09) Ehi-Sang Cho joined in the MBL as Integrated MS/Ph.D. graduate student. Welcome!! 

(2017.07) Chi Young Hwang, Deok Jun Yoon, Seung Je Kim, Yu-Jin Jang, and Jeonghye Chun joined in the MBL as undergraduate research students. Welcome!!

(2017.06) Congratulation!! Yesol Yoo received the outstanding poster presentation award in 44th annual meeting and international symposium of the Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology (June 28-30, BEXCO, Busan) 2017.

(2017.03) Congratulations on paper acceptance in Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 2017. 

Title: Enhanced production of gamma-aminobutyric acid by optimizing culture conditions of Lactobacillus brevis HYE1 isolated from kimchi, a Korean fermented food    

First authors: Hee Seon Lim (Incheon National University)

(2017.02) Congratulations on master's degree.

Hee Seon Lim for master's degree (Thesis: Studies on γ-aminobutyric acid production by Enterococcus faecium JK29 and Lactobacillus brevis HYE1 isolated from traditional fermented foods)

(2016.08) Congratulations on paper acceptance in International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 2016. 

Title: Pseudoruegeria aestuarii sp. nov., of the family Rhodobacteraceae, isolated from tidal flat    

First authors: In-Tae Cha, Inhye Park (Incheon National University)

(2016.06) Congratulation!! Hee Seon Lim received the outstanding poster presentation award in 43rd annual meeting and international symposium of the Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology (June 22-24, DCC, Daejeon) 2016.

(2016.04) Congratulations on paper acceptance in International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 2016. 

Title: Thalassobius litorarius sp. nov., isolated from a tidal flat     

First authors: Inhye Park, In-Tae Cha (Incheon National University)

(2016.03) Congratulations on paper acceptance in International Journal of Food Microbiology 2016. 

Title: Characterization of antimicrobial lipopeptides produced by Bacillus sp. LM7 isolated from Chungkookjang, a Korean traditional fermented soybean food

First authors: Mi-Hwa Lee (Nakdonggang National Institute of Biological Resource), Juyeon Lee (Korea Food Research Institute)

(2016.03) Mibang Kim and Ye Sol Yoo joined in the MBL as Ph.D. and MS graduate students, respectively. Welcome!! 

(2016.02) Congratulations on master's degrees.

Yoon Ji Seok for master's degree (Thesis: Studies on metagenome-based microbial community and mining of the cytochrome P450 genes in Arctic soils from the glacier foreland of Midtre Lovénbreen in Svalbard)

Inhye Park for master's degree (Thesis: Isolation and characterization of novel marine bacteria belonging to the family Rhodobacteraceae from tidal flat of Muui-do in Incheon)

(2015.08) Congratulations on paper acceptance in Food Science and Biotechnology 2015. 

Title: Isolation, expression and characterization of S-adenosyl-L-methionine synthetase from Lactobacillus paraplantarum 72815 

First authors: In-Ta Cha (Incheon National University)

(2015.06) Congratulations on paper acceptance in Marine Genomics 2015. 

Title: Draft genome sequence of a denitrifying bacterium Paracoccus marcusii PAMC 22219 isolated from Arctic marine sediment  

First authors: In-Ta Cha (Incheon National University), Eun-Ji Song (Korea Food Research Institute)

(2015.03) Hee Seon Lim joined in the MBL as MS graduate students, respectively. Welcome!! 

(2014.03) Hyunjin Lee joined in the MBL as Ph.D. graduate students. Also, Yun Ji Seok and Inhye Park joined as MS graduate students. Welcome!! 

(2014.03) Homepage for the Microbial Biotechnology Laboratory (MBL) in Incheon National University(INU) is opened.