(인천대학교 생명공학부 미생물생명공학실험실, 지도교수: 서명지)

Welcome to Microbial Biotechnology Laboratory (MBL, MJ’s lab) in the Division of Bioengineering at the Incheon National University.

Our laboratory is focusing on the microorganisms with overall research from the basics to applications. In particular, we are interested in followings.

1) Securing novel or functional microbial resources

2) Discovering useful genetic resources based on microbial genomes and genome mining for core biosynthetic genes

3) Elucidating the functional characteristics of the biosynthetic genes involves in the interested natural products (in particular, azasugars and carotenoids) and developing the novel metabolites by employing combinatorial biosynthesis track

4) Industrializing the targeted microbial metabolites by optimizing the downstream process including the fermentation conditions


[Postdoctoral fellows]

Ph.Ds who desire to advance their academic career in industrial microbiology, microbial genomics, biological chemistry, metabolic engineering, and fermentation engineering areas are welcome to send their CV to Dr. Myung-Ji Seo to check for any opportunities to join our lab. Those individuals who have a strong publication records and expertise in microbiology, genomics, natural product biosynthesis, and fermentation are particularly encouraged to apply.

[Graduate students]

MBL (MJ’s lab) welcome highly motivated and creative students with research interests in industrial microbiology, microbial genomics, biological chemistry, metabolic engineering, and fermentation engineering areas to join our research team. Please contact Dr. Myung-Ji Seo with brief CV for any further information.

[Undergraduate students]

We welcome undergraduate students who are curious about industrial microbiology research fields. Inexperienced students will be trained to follow lab routines, basic lab facilities, upstream works including genetic and protein engineering, and downstream works including fermentation and purification in on-going research projects. Interested undergraduate students are welcome to contact Dr. Myung-Ji Seo anytime.