
System Errors


I bought my Xbox 360 console (Core System) on January 2nd, 2006. It has been replaced three times so far, every time with a console having a different serial number.

My Core System showed me three red lights on March 1st, 2007 so I sent it for repair.

The first replacement console showed me three red lights after I used it for approximately 6 hours. So it didn't last for even a full day and I needed to send it for repair.

I received my second replacement console on April 2nd, 2007. After using it for about a week I saw the below messages (System Error E69 and System Error E74) for a few times and I did't see them since. It scratched and destroyed my COD4 disc on January 21st, 2008 I sent it for repair. Next it scratched and destroyed my GTAIV disc in 2 days so on May 5th, 2008 and I sent it for repair. Finally, this second replacement console showed me three red lights on January 11, 2009.

Since January 23rd, 2009 I have been using my third replacement console. I haven't seen three red lights yet.

Time Table

Core System: 2006-01-02 to 2007-03-01 (1 year 2 months) before 3 red lights.

1. replacement console: 2007-03-21 to 2007-03-21 (6 hours) before 3 red lights.

2. replacement console: 2007-04-02 to 2009-01-11 (1 year 8 months) before 3 red lights.

3. replacement console: 2009-01-23 to ... (no 3 red lights yet).

System error message (E69) with my second replacement console.

Another system error message (E74) with my second replacement console.

Later, I have also bought an Xbox 360 Arcade system on January 12th, 2009 so I can keep playing when my Core System has been sent for repair.

Original Xbox Problem: PAL-50

In Europe with some Original Xbox games, such as Halo 1 and PGR2, you may see the below message if you are not using a PAL-50 compatible cable, monitor or TV:

"Original Xbox Game"

"The VGA HD AV Cable does not support the PAL-50 setting required by this game. Connect the composite connector of your cable or use an Advanced SCART or Component HD AV Cable. For more info, go to"

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