
Refereed Journal Articles

"Foreign Direct Investment and Labor Demand by Skill in Indonesian Manufacturing Firms," accepted on Oct 8th, 2022 in Review of World Economics (co-authored with Hisamitsu Saito)

"Intrafirm trade, input-output linkage, and contractual frictions: evidence from Japanese affiliate-level data" Review of World Economics, 2022. in press, (co-authored with Eiichi Tomiura, and Banri Ito)

"Welfare gains through globalization: Evidence from Japan's manufacturing sector," Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 2022, 64, 101193. (co-authored with Hidetaka Aoyagi, Tadashi Ito)

The COVID-19 pandemic and domestic travel subsidies," Annals of Tourism Research, 2022, 92, 103326. (co-authored with Hisamitsu Saito) OPEN ACCESS

"Heterogeneous impact of import competition on firm organization: Evidence from Japanese firm-level data," The World Economy, 2022, 2251-2269,

"Adjusting to China competition: Evidence from Japanese plant-product-level data," Review of International Economics, 2022, p.732-763. (co-authored with Bellone Flora and Selin Hazir)

"Do regional trade agreements really help global value chains develop? evidence from Thailand", Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 2020,58, 1-8. (co-authored with Kazunobu Hayakawa and Nuttawut Laksanapanyakul)

"Revisiting Complementarity between Japanese FDI and the Import of Intermediate Goods: Agglomeration Effects and Parent-firm Heterogeneity", Asian Economic Papers, 2020, 19(3), 90-106 (co-authored with Tadashi Ito and Chih-Hai Yang)

"R&D and Patenting Activities of Foreign Firms in China: The Case of Japan", (co-authored with Yang, Chih-Hai and Tadashi Ito), 2019, Japan and the World Economy, 49, pp.151-160.

"Welfare Assessment of Entry of New Retail Formats and Deregulation for Restriction on Large Retail Scale Stores in Japan," (co-authored with Keiichiro Honda and Takeshi Mizuta), Economic Analysis, 2017, 194, pp.45-64.

Impact of Extensive and Intensive Margins of FDI on Corporate Domestic Performance: Evidence from Japanese automobile parts suppliers,” Asian Economic Papers, 2017, 16(2), p.p.187-209.

Trade Liberalization, Market Share Reallocation, and Aggregate Productivity: The Case of Indonesian Manufacturing Industry,” (co-authored with Kazunobu Hayakawa) Developing Economies, 2017, 55(3), 230-249.

Does Trade Liberalization Boost Quality Upgrading ? Evidence from Indonesian Plant-Product-level Data,” (co-authored with Kazunobu Hayakawa and Sadayuki Takii) Developing Economies, 2017, 55(3), 171-188.

"How Does FDI Affect Productivity at Home?: Evidence from a Plant-level Analysis," (co-authored with Kazunobu Hayakawa and Kazuyuki Motohashi) Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, 2016, 16(4), 403-422.

"Firm-level Impacts of Natural Disaster on Production Networks: Evidence from a Flood in Thailand," (co-authored with Kazunobu Hayakawa and Hirofumi Okubo) Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 2015, 38, 244-259

"Agglomeration effects of inter-firm backward and forward linkages: evidence from Japanese manufacturing investment in China," (co-authored with Nobuaki Yamashita and Kentaro Nakajima), Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 2014,34, pp.24-41.

"Effect of Work-Life Balance Practrices on Firm Productivity: Evidence from Japanese Firm-level Panel data," (co-authored with Isamu Yamamoto), The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, 14(4), pp.1677-1708, 2014.

"Location Choice of Multinational Enterprises in China: Comparison between Japan and Taiwan" (co-authored with Chang, K-I. and Kazunobu, Hayakawa), Papers in Regional Science, 93(3), pp.521-537, 2014

Two-dimensional Analysis of the Impact of Outward FDI on Performance at Home: Evidence from Japanese manufacturing firms,” Japan and the World Economy, Vol.27, pp.25-33, 2013.(co-authored with Ayako Obashi, Kazunobu Hayakawa and Kazuyuki Motohashi).

"Globalisation, multinationals and productivity in Japan’s lost decade," Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 26(1), 110-128, 2012.(co-authored with Richard Kneller, Danny McGowan and Tomohiko Inui)

"Complex Vertical FDI and Firm Heterogeneity: Evidence from East Asia," Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, Vol.25, No.3, pp.273-289, 2011. (co-authored with Hayakawa, Kazunobu)

Working paper

"Stability of the complimentarity between Japanese FDI and Import of Goods: Agglomeration ad Parent-firm Heterogeneity," IDE Discussion paper, No.560, 2016. (co-authored with Chih-Hai Yang and Tadasih Ito)

"Understanding Cross-Country Productivity Gap of Exporters" RIETI Discussion Paper, 16-E-019, 1-48. (co-authored with Kozo Kiyota and Lionel Nesta)

Link to Major publication list at Keio Researchers Information system

Link to Publication list in IDEAS