Federal Legislation
General Information: (Updated with WEP and GPO repeal numbers)
S 393: Social Security Expansion Act of 2023 sponsored by Senators Sanders and Warren. The bill was referred to the Committee on Finance.
HR 82: Social Security Fairness Act of 2023 sponsored by Representatives Graves (R-LA) and Spanberger (D-VA) to repeal both the GPO and WEP has 300 co-sponsors and was referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means.
S 597: sponsored by Senators Sharrod Brown and Susan Collins to repeal the GPO and WEP has been referred to the Committee on Finance.
See below for more important information about our fight to eliminate the WEP/GPO penalties on our hard-earned Social Security benefits.
What is GPO and WEP?
The Government Pension Offset (GPO) eliminates or reduces the spousal benefit by two-thirds the value of a teacher's retirement benefit. Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) reduces, but does not eliminate, a portion of an individual's Social Security earned from other work outside of his/her public employment. The greatest penalty is fifty percent-- you will only receive half of what you should have received.
Who is Affected?
GPO and WEP affect public employees in states that do not participate in the Social Security system. The GPO and WEP affect public employees in virtually every state; however, those states with the greatest impact are Alaska, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, Louisiana, Kentucky, Maine, Massachusetts, Missouri, Nevada, New Mexico, Ohio, Rhode Island, and Texas.
The Call for Repeal
The National Coalition for GPO/WEP Repeal is calling for an immediate and complete repeal of both the GPO and WEP. These Social Security provisions discriminate against individuals who have chosen to serve their communities or country in public jobs by reducing retired public employee's Social Security or survivor benefits. Non-public employees with private pensions get to keep their entire pension and receive their full Social Security or survivor benefits.