Equipment Roster

This page provides links to the Mary Lindsay Railroad's equipment roster consisting of rollingstock and locomotives.  This page represents a more up-to-date inventory of MLRR-owned equipment.  Attempts will be made to keep the roster current based on the status of the MLRR fleet.

A guide below has been provided in order to help aide the viewer in reading equipment roster.

Active - Equipment is ready for service

Bad Order - Out of service, requires significant repairs before being road ready.

Boxed - Not immediately available for service, in original packaging and/or in storage.  Still qualifies for service.

For Sale - Items available for sale directly or planned for sale on eBay.  Please email if interest in any items listed for sale.

NIB - Not yet opened, still qualifies for service.  May need to be shopped for car numbering prior to service.

Procurement - Pre-ordered and awaiting delivery, intended for active service.

Retired - No longer qualifies for active service, stored away, not available for sale.

Shop - Undergoing construction, maintenance or overhaul.

Testing - Not in active service.

Some items on the roster are listed as being for sale.  Please do not inquire about selling any other items that are not listed as such.

The Freight roster is not yet available.  Please check back in the coming months as the MLRR is working to build its database of freight equipment.
