RO Message Send - v1.2.3

Post date: Aug 08, 2013 6:52:32 PM

Well back from vacation/softball in California, I decided I needed to get back on my app.  I used it extensively while in California as my method of updating our team each day of our games and activities.  

RainedOut is an invaluable service but as I've said before the SMS syntax is a pain (IMO) and the web version isn't helpful to me on my phone (again maybe just me).  So this app was HUGE for me as a time saver and ease of use.

Plus the girls got to see what a tech geek I am =D

Here are the current screen shots showing the various pages of the app.  v1.2.3 brings a few enhancements since the last post and I'm very pleased with how they turned out and that I could get them done.


Here's a quick synopsis of each screen:

1. Initial welcome page -- This is what you see the first time you access the app OR if there are no groups setup

2. Main screen -- Main sending screen (Note: No group is shown.  If a default is setup then it pulls automatically).


        'Select A Group' button -- chose a group to send to

        'Clear Msg' button -- clears the message text

        'Send Msg' button -- sends message (requires a group and a message)

        'Settings' button -- takes you into the settings screen to setup groups and a default group

        'About' button -- takes you to the About RO Message Send screen where you can find the change log for each build

3. About screen -- Shows the change log and current version of the app

4. Settings screen -- Initial settings screen with no groups or default setup


        'Add' button -- Adds the group entered in the text field

        'Clear' button -- Clears the group name text field

        'Select' button -- Opens selection window to choose an existing group

        'Remove' button -- Removes the selected group from the current groups list

            If the default is removed and there are 2 or more groups remaining then no default will exist

            If the default is removed and just 1 group remains, then that group becomes the default

        'Update' button -- Updates an existing group after being selected (used to change default setting)

        'Reset Groups' button -- Removes all groups from the database (resets the app)

5. Settings screen -- Shows current groups setup with the default having an * (asterisk) next to it

6. Remove Group dialog -- When you choose to remove a group you are prompted to confirm the choice

7. Reset Database dialog -- When you choose to reset the database you are prompted to confirm the choice

8. Main screen -- When returning from the settings or entering app when a default is setup, the default group is automatically pulled to the Group Name field

9. Message sent dialog -- Confirmation that your message was sent (Note: you will get this in your SMS app as well)

10.  SMS Message -- What the message looks like in a 3rd party SMS popup