Latex-Tikz Galerie

Tikz est un outil graphique pour LaTeX. Ses principaux avantages sont son excellente intégration aux documents LaTeX (même police et rendu mathématique), sa légèreté, son esthétique (pas de problème de pixellisation). 

Préambule utilisé pour les exemples proposés    

% Author : Martial Phélippé-Guinvarc'h

% Date 01/02/2021
























\usetikzlibrary{math, matrix}



\usetikzlibrary{intersections, pgfplots.fillbetween}






colormap={whitered}{color(0cm)=(white); color(1cm)=(orange!75!red)}






declare function={

normcdf(\x,\m,\s)=1/(1 + exp(-0.07056*((\x-\m)/\s)^3 - 1.5976*(\x-\m)/\s));},

declare function={


declare function={


declare function={


declare function={


1/(2*pi*\sa*\sb*(1-\corel^2)^0.5) *

exp(-((\x-\ma)^2/\sa^2 + (\y-\mb)^2/\sb^2) -2*\corel*((\x-\ma)/\sa*(\y-\mb)/\sb)/(2*(1-\corel^2)));},

declare function={


declare function={


declare function={ % teta entre -1 et 0 ou entre 0 et infty











declare function={

dGumbel(\x,\mu,\sigma) = exp(-exp((\mu-\x)/\sigma))*exp((\mu-\x)/\sigma)/\sigma;}



declare function={

pGumbel(\x,\mu,\sigma) = exp(-exp((\mu-\x)/\sigma));}


Schémas : L'évolution des statuts d'un sinistre 

% Author : Martial Phélippé-Guinvarc'h

% Date 01/02/2021

\tikzstyle{NoeudR}=[rectangle, shape border rotate=90, draw,minimum height=0.6cm,align=center, BleuProfondIRA]

\begin{tikzpicture} %[node distance=5cm]


\draw[thick,<-,>=latex,BleuProfondIRA] (-3,0) -- (10,0) ;

\draw[thick,->,>=latex,BleuProfondIRA,densely dotted] (10,0) -- (15,0) ;

\node (A) at (-2,1) [NoeudR] {Incured \\date \\\footnotesize  15/10/\NN};

\node (B) at (0,1) [NoeudR] {Reported \\date\\\footnotesize  19/10/\NN};

\node (C) at (4,1.2) [NoeudR] {First\\ payment \\ date\\\footnotesize  25/11/\NN};

\node (D) at (10,1) [NoeudR] {Payment \\ date \\ \footnotesize 8/01/\N};

\node (E) at (12,1.2) [NoeudR,densely dotted] {New \\ information \\ date\\ \footnotesize 15/02/\N};

\node (F) at (14,1.2) [NoeudR,densely dotted] {Last \\ Payment \\ date\\ \footnotesize 31/04/\N};

\draw[ BleuProfondIRA] (A.south) -- ++(0,-1);

\draw[ BleuProfondIRA] (B.south) -- ++(0,-1);

\draw[ BleuProfondIRA] (C.south) -- ++(0,-1);

\draw[ BleuProfondIRA] (D.south) -- ++(0,-1);

\draw[ BleuProfondIRA] (E.south) -| ++(0,-1);

\draw[ BleuProfondIRA] (F.south) -- ++(0,-0.1) -| ++(-1,-0.9);

\draw[thick,<->,>=latex,OrangeProfondIRA] ($(A.south) +(0,-1)$) -- ($(B.south) +(0,-1)$) node [below, midway] {\footnotesize Not reported} ;

\draw[thick,<->,>=latex,BleuProfondIRA] ($(B.south) +(0,-1)$) -- ($(D.south) +(0,-1)$) node [below, midway] {\footnotesize Open} ;

\draw[thick,<->,>=latex,BleuProfondIRA] ($(B.south) +(0,-1)$) -- ($(D.south) +(0,-1)$) node [below, midway] {\footnotesize Open} ;

\draw[thick,<->,>=latex,GrisLogoIRA] ($(C.south) +(0,-1.6)$) -- ($(D.south) +(0,-1.6)$) node [below, midway] {\footnotesize Partially paid} ;

\draw[thick,<->,>=latex,GrisLogoIRA] ($(C.south) +(0,-1.6)$) -- ($(C.south) +(-1,-1.6)$) node [below, midway] {\footnotesize Not Paid} ;

\draw[thick,<->,>=latex,GrisLogoIRA] ($(B.south) +(0,-1.6)$) -- ($(C.south) +(-1,-1.6)$) node [below, midway] {\footnotesize Not Valued} ;

\draw[very thick,<->,>=latex,FushiaIRA] ($(D.south) +(0,-2.2)$) -- ($(C.south) +(-1,-2.2)$) node [below, midway] {\footnotesize Reserved};

\draw[thick,<->,>=latex,VertIRA] ($(D.south) +(0,-1)$) -- ($(E.south) +(0,-1)$) node [below, midway] {\footnotesize  Closed} ;

\draw[thick,<->,>=latex,OrangeProfondIRA,densely dotted] ($(E.south) +(0,-1)$) -- ($(F.south) +(-1,-1)$) node [below, midway,align=right] 

{\footnotesize Reopen } ;

\draw[thick,<->,>=latex,VertIRA] ($(F.south) +(-1,-1)$) -- ($(F.south) +(1,-1)$) node [below, midway] {\footnotesize  Closed} ;




Schémas : Actuariat non-vie MindMap

% Author : Martial Phélippé-Guinvarc'h

% Date 01/02/2021

\usetikzlibrary {mindmap}


every node/.style={concept,font=\Large, execute at begin node =\hskip0pt},

root concept/.append style={

    concept color=black,font={\LARGE }, fill=white, line width=1ex, text=black},


grow cyclic,

level 1/.append style={level distance=4cm,sibling angle=90},

level 2/.append style={level distance=3cm,sibling angle=45}]

\node[root concept] 

{  Non Life Insurance}% root

child[concept color=BleuMoyenIRA]{node{Premium}

    child{node(GLM){GLM} }

    child{node(CM){Collectif Model} }

    child{node(PSim){Simulation} }

    child{node(ExV1){Large Claims} }


child[concept color=OrangeMoyenIRA]{node{Ruin \& Solvency}

    child{node(ExV2){Extreme Claims} }

    child{node(ExV3){Reinsurance} }

    child{node{Risks Measures}}


    child{node(RA){Risks Aggregation}}


child[concept color=VertIRA]{node{Reserve}

    child{node{Determinist} }

    child{node(Stoch){Stochastic} }

    child{node(REG2){Regression} }


child[concept color=FushiaIRA]{ node{Sciences}

    child{node{Data Managment} }

    child{node(REG){Regression} }

    child{node(Sim){Simulation} }

    child{node(Cop){Dependance} }

    child{node(TD){Tail distribution} }



\draw[<->,>=latex] (REG) to [bend left] (REG2);

\draw[<->,>=latex] (REG) to [bend left=60] (GLM);

\draw[<->,>=latex] (PSim) to [bend left=45, in=110, out=80] (Sim);

\draw[<->,>=latex] (Sim) to [bend left=60] (Stoch);

\draw[<->,>=latex] (RA) to [bend right] (Cop);

\draw[<->,>=latex] (TD) to [bend left=40] (ExV1);

\draw[<->,>=latex]  (ExV1) to [bend right] (ExV2);

\draw[<->,>=latex]  (ExV2) to [bend right] (ExV3);



Matrices : Triangles des paiements Chain Ladder

 % Author : Martial Phélippé-Guinvarc'h

% Date 01/02/2021

   \tikzset{BarreStyle/.style =   {opacity=.4,line width=7 mm,line cap=round,color=#1}}



    \matrix (A) [matrix of math nodes,%

    left delimiter  = (,%

    right delimiter =)]%


        C_{1,1} & C_{1,2} & \cdots &C_{1, k} & \cdots & C_{1, n-1} & \node (A-1-7) {\color{BleuProfondIRA}C_{1, n}}; \\

        C_{2,1} & C_{2,2} & \cdots &C_{2, k} & \cdots & \node (A-2-6) {\color{BleuProfondIRA}C_{2, n-1} };& \\

        \vdots & \vdots & \cdots & \vdots & \ddots & & \\

        C_{i,1} &     C_{i,2} & \cdots & \node (A-4-4){\color{BleuProfondIRA} C_{i,n+1-j}}; &  & & \\

        \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & & \\

        C_{n-1,1} &\node (A-6-2) {\color{BleuProfondIRA}C_{n-1,2}}; & & & & & \\

        \node (A-7-1) {\color{BleuProfondIRA}C_{n, 1}}; & & & & & &\\


    \node [draw,above=10pt] at (A.north)     { Délais de réglement $k$};

    \node [draw,above left=20pt,rotate=90, align=center] at (A.west)     { Années d'origine $i$};

    \draw[BarreStyle=BleuProfondIRA] (A-7-1.south west) to  (A-1-7.north east) ;

    \draw  (A.south east) node [ left,color=BleuProfondIRA, align=right] {Réglements de l'année $n$\\ ($i+k=n+1$)};

    \draw[color=BleuProfondIRA,thick] (A-7-1) to[bend right] (A-6-2) to[bend right=40] node[below right, pos=1] {$\sum$}  (A-4-4) to[bend right=40]   (A-2-6) to[bend right]   (A-1-7);



Graphique : Densité de Gumbel

% Author : Martial Phélippé-Guinvarc'h

% Date 01/02/2021


%    declare function={

%        dGumbel(\x,\mu,\sigma) = exp(-exp((\mu-\x)/\sigma))*exp((\mu-\x)/\sigma)/\sigma;}



%    declare function={

%        pGumbel(\x,\mu,\sigma) = exp(-exp((\mu-\x)/\sigma));}



    \begin{axis}[ ytick=\empty,xtick pos=left,

        axis y line=middle,

        axis x line=bottom,

        height=.75*\linewidth,width=\linewidth, ticklabel style ={font=\footnotesize}, legend pos=north east,

        legend style={font=\tiny}]


        ({\x},{dGumbel({\x},0.5,1)}) ;


        plot ({\x},{dGumbel({\x},1,2)}) ;


        plot ({\x},{dGumbel({\x},1.5,3)}) ;


        plot ({\x},{dGumbel({\x},3,4)}) ;


        \legend{$\mu$ =  0.5 $\gamma = 1$,$\mu$ =  1 $\gamma =2$,$\mu$ =  1.5 $\gamma =3$,$\mu$ =  3 $\gamma = 4$};


    \begin{axis}[ yshift=90mm,ytick=\empty,xtick pos=left,

        axis y line=middle,

        axis x line=bottom,

        height=.75*\linewidth,width=\linewidth, ticklabel style ={font=\footnotesize}, legend pos=north west,

        legend style={font=\tiny}]


        ({\x},{pGumbel({\x},0.5,1)}) ;


        plot ({\x},{pGumbel({\x},1,2)}) ;


        plot ({\x},{pGumbel({\x},1.5,3)}) ;


        plot ({\x},{pGumbel({\x},3,4)}) ;


        \legend{$\mu$ =  0.5 $\gamma = 1$,$\mu$ =  1 $\gamma =2$,$\mu$ =  1.5 $\gamma =3$,$\mu$ =  3 $\gamma = 4$};




Graphique : Représentation d'une stratégie d'option

% Author : Martial Phélippé-Guinvarc'h

% Date 01/02/2021

%Voici une série de positions prises sur les options sur le \emph{Sugar 11} : \emph{Long Call} 13.50, \emph{Short Call} 14.50, 2 \emph{Short Put} 14.50, 2 \emph{Long Put} 15.50.


    \begin{axis}[axis x line=center,axis y line = left, color=gray, xscale=1.2]

        \addplot[mark=none, color=BleuProfondIRA,  densely dotted] coordinates { (10,-1.95) (13.5,-1.95) (20,-1.95+20-13.5)}  node[below, sloped, pos = .1] {LC};;

        \addplot[mark=none, color=BleuProfondIRA,  densely dotted] coordinates { (10,1.27) (14.5,1.27) (20,1.27-20+14.5)} node[above, sloped, pos = .1] {SC};

        \def\y{2*(0.54+10-14.5) }

        \addplot[mark=none, color=FushiaIRA,  densely dotted] coordinates { (20,0.54*2) (14.5,0.54*2) (10,\y)} node[above, sloped, pos = .1] {SP};;

        \def\y{-(1.09+10-15.5)*2 }

        \addplot[mark=none, color=FushiaIRA,  densely dotted] coordinates { (20,-1.09*2) (15.5,-1.09*2) (10,\y)} node[below, sloped, pos = .1] {LP};

        \def\y{((-1.95+1.27+1)+2*(0.54-1.09+1)) } % valeur de la crète


        \addplot[mark=none, color=OrangeProfondIRA,very thick] coordinates { (10,\y-1)  (13.5,\y-1) (14.5,\y) (15.5,\y-2)  (20,\y-2)};

        \addplot[mark=*,color=OrangeProfondIRA,very thick] coordinates {  (14.5+0.5*\y,0) } node [below=10] {\pgfmathparse{ 14.5+0.5*\y} PM= \pgfmathprintnumber{\pgfmathresult}};





Schéma : Structure des données assurancielles

% Author : Martial Phélippé-Guinvarc'h

% Date 01/02/2021

\tikzstyle{NoeudR}=[cylinder, shape border rotate=90, draw,minimum height=1.5cm,shape aspect=.25,align=center]


        \begin{tikzpicture} %[node distance=5cm]


        \node (db01) at (-2,2) [fill=BleuProfondIRA!30, minimum width=1cm,NoeudR] {\footnotesize  Assurés};

        \node (db02) at (0,2) [minimum width=1cm,fill=BleuProfondIRA!30,NoeudR] {\footnotesize  Entité \\ \footnotesize  Assurée};

        \node (db03) at (2,2) [fill=BleuProfondIRA!30,minimum width=1cm,NoeudR] {\footnotesize  Risques \\ \footnotesize  Assurés};


        \node (db1) at (0,0) [ fill=BleuProfondIRA!30,minimum width=2cm, NoeudR] { Contrat \\ Production};

        \node (db2) at (3,0) [minimum height=1cm,fill=OrangeProfondIRA!30,    minimum width=2cm, NoeudR] { Sinistre};

        \node (db3) at (6,0) [ fill=OrangePastelIRA!20,minimum width=2cm,NoeudR,densely dotted] {\small Données \\ \small externes};

        \node (db4) at (3,-2) [fill=VertIRA!30,minimum width=3cm,NoeudR] {\small Base de données \\ \small  Tarification};


        \node (TB) at (-1.2,-2) [rectangle,fill=FushiaIRA!30, minimum width=2cm,

        shape border rotate=90, draw,minimum height=1.5cm,    shape aspect=.25,align=center] {\small Tableaux \\ \small  de bord};

        \draw[->,>=latex] (db01.south) -- (db1);

        \draw[->,>=latex] (db02) -- (db1);

        \draw[->,>=latex] (db03.south) -- (db1);

        \draw[->,>=latex] (db1.south) -- (db4);

        \draw[->,>=latex] (db2.south) -- (db4);

        \draw[->,>=latex,densely dotted] (db3.south) -- (db4);

        \draw[<->,>=latex] (db4) -- (TB);





3d function: Copule de Clayton

% Author : Martial Phélippé-Guinvarc'h

% Date 01/02/2021


%\tikzset{declare function={ % teta entre -1 et 0 ou entre 0 et infty

%        CopClayton(\x,\y,\theta)=(\x^(-\theta)+\y^(-\theta)-1)^(-1/\theta);}



colormap name=whitered,

3d box,





y domain=0.001:0.9999999999,






colorbar style={


    anchor=south west,

    height=0.2*\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/parent axis height},


\addplot3 [ surf]         {CopClayton(x,y,2.5)};




L'incoterm « Fob fluvial » 

% Author : Martial Phélippé-Guinvarc'h

% Date 01/02/2021

\tikzset{every picture/.style={line width=0.75pt}} %set default line width to 0.75pt        


    %uncomment if require: \path (0,300); %set diagram left start at 0, and has height of 300




    \draw (65,272) -- (474,272) -- (474,320);

    %Shape: Polygon [id:ds025531371089408395] 

    \draw   (231,172) -- (272,138) -- (272,272) -- (65,272) -- (65,129) -- (85,129) -- (85,20) -- (100,20) -- (100,205) -- (117,205) -- (117,129) -- (141,129) -- (141,52) -- (168,52) -- (168,129) -- (195,129) -- (195,172) -- (231,138) -- cycle ;

    %Shape: Grid [id:dp09099790819019526] 

    %    \draw  [draw opacity=0] (117,129) -- (195,129) -- (195,169) -- (117,169) -- cycle ; 

    \draw   (117,129) -- (117,169)(127,129) -- (127,169)(137,129) -- (137,169)(147,129) -- (147,169)(157,129) -- (157,169)(167,129) -- (167,169)(177,129) -- (177,169)(187,129) -- (187,169) ; 

    \draw   (117,129) -- (195,129)(117,139) -- (195,139)(117,149) -- (195,149)(117,159) -- (195,159)(117,169) -- (195,169) ; 

    \draw    ;

    %Shape: Rectangle [id:dp30583722611654374] 

    \draw  (65,205) -- (195,205) -- (195,231) -- (65,231) -- cycle ;

    %Straight Lines [id:da13081779728777443] 

    \draw    (195,172) -- (195,272) ;




        %Shape: Ellipse [id:dp5623296485977742] 

        \draw   (304.29,260.79) .. controls (304.29,257.03) and (307.43,253.98) .. (311.3,253.98) .. controls (315.17,253.98) and (318.31,257.03) .. (318.31,260.79) .. controls (318.31,264.56) and (315.17,267.6) .. (311.3,267.6) .. controls (307.43,267.6) and (304.29,264.56) .. (304.29,260.79) -- cycle ;

        %Shape: Ellipse [id:dp8882590747368574] 

        \draw   (361.04,260.79) .. controls (361.04,257.03) and (364.18,253.98) .. (368.05,253.98) .. controls (371.92,253.98) and (375.06,257.03) .. (375.06,260.79) .. controls (375.06,264.56) and (371.92,267.6) .. (368.05,267.6) .. controls (364.18,267.6) and (361.04,264.56) .. (361.04,260.79) -- cycle ;

        %Shape: Ellipse [id:dp6235874759199412] 

        \draw   (323.64,260.96) .. controls (323.64,257.2) and (326.78,254.15) .. (330.65,254.15) .. controls (334.52,254.15) and (337.65,257.2) .. (337.65,260.96) .. controls (337.65,264.72) and (334.52,267.77) .. (330.65,267.77) .. controls (326.78,267.77) and (323.64,264.72) .. (323.64,260.96) -- cycle ;

        %Shape: Rectangle [id:dp578145238398235] 

        \draw   (303,220) -- (355,220) -- (355,251.31) -- (303,251) -- cycle ;

        %Straight Lines [id:da7237903289050893] 

        \draw    (337,260.96) -- (361,260.79) ;

        %Shape: Arc [id:dp39536021244266417] 


        \draw  [draw opacity=0] (360,252.03) .. controls (361.05,250.88) and (363.42,250.22) .. (365.96,250.22) .. controls (372.56,250.22) and (378,254.71) .. (378,261) -- (365.96,261) -- cycle ; 

        \draw   (359.05,252.03) .. controls (361.05,250.88) and (363.42,250.22) .. (365.96,250.22) .. controls (372.56,250.22) and (378.02,254.71) .. (378.96,260.57) ;

        %Straight Lines [id:da37837499370512895] 

        \draw    (378,260) -- (393,260) -- (379,227) -- (359,227) -- (359,252.11) ;

        %Straight Lines [id:da7070361005195838] 

        \draw    (382,235) -- (363,235) -- (363,244) -- (386,244) -- cycle;




    %Shape: Polygon [id:ds6083476557313764] 

    \draw   (426,235) -- (416,272) -- (410,272) -- (411,221) -- (460,221) -- (460,272) -- (454,272) -- (444,235) -- cycle ;

    %Shape: Rectangle [id:dp9211874715408599] 

    \draw   (423.67,103) -- (445,103) -- (445,221) -- (423.67,221) -- cycle ;

    %Shape: Polygon [id:ds37616303400924234] 

    \draw   (428,70.8) -- (596,102.8) -- (390,102.8) -- (389.67,116) -- (365,115.8) -- (365,99.8) -- cycle ;

    %Shape: Rectangle [id:dp27303642324716737] 

    \draw [fill]   (574,141) -- (615.67,141) -- (615.67,166.8) -- (574,166.8) -- cycle ;

    %Straight Lines [id:da16436451599465085] 

    \draw    (596,102.8) -- (596,141.8) ;





        %Shape: Polygon [id:ds1567064613872553] 

        \draw   (161.67,185.47) -- (157.67,266.47) -- (100,280.47) -- (44.67,266.47) -- (39.67,185.47) -- (99.67,176.47) -- cycle ;

        %Straight Lines [id:da5556608018909508] 

        \draw    (40.67,215.47) -- (160.67,215.47) ;

        %Straight Lines [id:da4920339202578127] 

        \draw    (132.67,181.8) -- (132.67,142.8) -- (68.67,142.8) -- (68.67,180.97) ;

        %Shape: Polygon [id:ds2673097870617024] 

        \draw   (154.67,128.8) -- (145.67,142.8) -- (56.67,142.8) -- (48.67,128.8) -- cycle ;

        %Straight Lines [id:da08284800283702898] 

        \draw    (76.67,128.8) -- (76.67,141.8) ;

        %Straight Lines [id:da015363340253096935] 

        \draw    (123.67,129.8) -- (123.67,142.8) ;

        %Shape: Rectangle [id:dp8394556297083678] 

        \draw   (54.67,122.8) -- (147.67,122.8) -- (147.67,128.8) -- (54.67,128.8) -- cycle ;

        %Shape: Grid [id:dp6396428217366028] 

        \draw  [draw opacity=0] (68,143.8) -- (132.67,143.8) -- (132.67,154.8) -- (68,154.8) -- cycle ; \draw   (68,143.8) -- (68,154.8)(73,143.8) -- (73,154.8)(78,143.8) -- (78,154.8)(83,143.8) -- (83,154.8)(88,143.8) -- (88,154.8)(93,143.8) -- (93,154.8)(98,143.8) -- (98,154.8)(103,143.8) -- (103,154.8)(108,143.8) -- (108,154.8)(113,143.8) -- (113,154.8)(118,143.8) -- (118,154.8)(123,143.8) -- (123,154.8)(128,143.8) -- (128,154.8) ; \draw   (68,143.8) -- (132.67,143.8)(68,148.8) -- (132.67,148.8)(68,153.8) -- (132.67,153.8) ; \draw    ;


        {    %Shape: Wave [id:dp06509609618582557] 


            \draw   (17,288.8) .. controls (19.45,292.39) and (21.79,295.8) .. (24.5,295.8) .. controls (27.21,295.8) and (29.55,292.39) .. (32,288.8) .. controls (34.45,285.21) and (36.79,281.8) .. (39.5,281.8) .. controls (42.21,281.8) and (44.55,285.21) .. (47,288.8) .. controls (49.45,292.39) and (51.79,295.8) .. (54.5,295.8) .. controls (57.21,295.8) and (59.55,292.39) .. (62,288.8) .. controls (64.45,285.21) and (66.79,281.8) .. (69.5,281.8) .. controls (72.21,281.8) and (74.55,285.21) .. (77,288.8) .. controls (79.45,292.39) and (81.79,295.8) .. (84.5,295.8) .. controls (87.21,295.8) and (89.55,292.39) .. (92,288.8) .. controls (94.45,285.21) and (96.79,281.8) .. (99.5,281.8) .. controls (102.21,281.8) and (104.55,285.21) .. (107,288.8) .. controls (109.45,292.39) and (111.79,295.8) .. (114.5,295.8) .. controls (117.21,295.8) and (119.55,292.39) .. (122,288.8) .. controls (124.45,285.21) and (126.79,281.8) .. (129.5,281.8) .. controls (132.21,281.8) and (134.55,285.21) .. (137,288.8) .. controls (139.45,292.39) and (141.79,295.8) .. (144.5,295.8) .. controls (147.21,295.8) and (149.55,292.39) .. (152,288.8) .. controls (154.45,285.21) and (156.79,281.8) .. (159.5,281.8) .. controls (162.21,281.8) and (164.55,285.21) .. (167,288.8) .. controls (169.45,292.39) and (171.79,295.8) .. (174.5,295.8) .. controls (177.21,295.8) and (179.55,292.39) .. (182,288.8) .. controls (183.56,286.52) and (185.07,284.3) .. (186.67,283) ;}

        %Straight Lines [id:da3592232725656648] 

        \draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 128; green, 128; blue, 128 }  ,draw opacity=1 ]   (99.67,176.47) -- (100,280.47) ;






        %Shape: Polygon [id:ds1567064613872553] 

        \draw   (161.67,185.47) -- (157.67,266.47) -- (100,280.47) -- (44.67,266.47) -- (39.67,185.47) -- (99.67,176.47) -- cycle ;

        %Straight Lines [id:da5556608018909508] 

        \draw    (40.67,215.47) -- (160.67,215.47) ;

        %Straight Lines [id:da4920339202578127] 

        \draw    (132.67,181.8) -- (132.67,142.8) -- (68.67,142.8) -- (68.67,180.97) ;

        %Shape: Polygon [id:ds2673097870617024] 

        \draw   (154.67,128.8) -- (145.67,142.8) -- (56.67,142.8) -- (48.67,128.8) -- cycle ;

        %Straight Lines [id:da08284800283702898] 

        \draw    (76.67,128.8) -- (76.67,141.8) ;

        %Straight Lines [id:da015363340253096935] 

        \draw    (123.67,129.8) -- (123.67,142.8) ;

        %Shape: Rectangle [id:dp8394556297083678] 

        \draw   (54.67,122.8) -- (147.67,122.8) -- (147.67,128.8) -- (54.67,128.8) -- cycle ;

        %Shape: Grid [id:dp6396428217366028] 

        \draw  [draw opacity=0] (68,143.8) -- (132.67,143.8) -- (132.67,154.8) -- (68,154.8) -- cycle ; \draw   (68,143.8) -- (68,154.8)(73,143.8) -- (73,154.8)(78,143.8) -- (78,154.8)(83,143.8) -- (83,154.8)(88,143.8) -- (88,154.8)(93,143.8) -- (93,154.8)(98,143.8) -- (98,154.8)(103,143.8) -- (103,154.8)(108,143.8) -- (108,154.8)(113,143.8) -- (113,154.8)(118,143.8) -- (118,154.8)(123,143.8) -- (123,154.8)(128,143.8) -- (128,154.8) ; \draw   (68,143.8) -- (132.67,143.8)(68,148.8) -- (132.67,148.8)(68,153.8) -- (132.67,153.8) ; \draw    ;


        {    %Shape: Wave [id:dp06509609618582557] 


            \draw   (17,288.8) .. controls (19.45,292.39) and (21.79,295.8) .. (24.5,295.8) .. controls (27.21,295.8) and (29.55,292.39) .. (32,288.8) .. controls (34.45,285.21) and (36.79,281.8) .. (39.5,281.8) .. controls (42.21,281.8) and (44.55,285.21) .. (47,288.8) .. controls (49.45,292.39) and (51.79,295.8) .. (54.5,295.8) .. controls (57.21,295.8) and (59.55,292.39) .. (62,288.8) .. controls (64.45,285.21) and (66.79,281.8) .. (69.5,281.8) .. controls (72.21,281.8) and (74.55,285.21) .. (77,288.8) .. controls (79.45,292.39) and (81.79,295.8) .. (84.5,295.8) .. controls (87.21,295.8) and (89.55,292.39) .. (92,288.8) .. controls (94.45,285.21) and (96.79,281.8) .. (99.5,281.8) .. controls (102.21,281.8) and (104.55,285.21) .. (107,288.8) .. controls (109.45,292.39) and (111.79,295.8) .. (114.5,295.8) .. controls (117.21,295.8) and (119.55,292.39) .. (122,288.8) .. controls (124.45,285.21) and (126.79,281.8) .. (129.5,281.8) .. controls (132.21,281.8) and (134.55,285.21) .. (137,288.8) .. controls (139.45,292.39) and (141.79,295.8) .. (144.5,295.8) .. controls (147.21,295.8) and (149.55,292.39) .. (152,288.8) .. controls (154.45,285.21) and (156.79,281.8) .. (159.5,281.8) .. controls (162.21,281.8) and (164.55,285.21) .. (167,288.8) .. controls (169.45,292.39) and (171.79,295.8) .. (174.5,295.8) .. controls (177.21,295.8) and (179.55,292.39) .. (182,288.8) .. controls (183.56,286.52) and (185.07,284.3) .. (186.67,283) ;}

        %Straight Lines [id:da3592232725656648] 

        \draw [color={rgb, 255:red, 128; green, 128; blue, 128 }  ,draw opacity=1 ]   (99.67,176.47) -- (100,280.47) ;



    %2e grue



        \draw (65,272) -- (474,272) -- (474,320);


        \draw   (426,235) -- (416,272) -- (410,272) -- (411,221) -- (460,221) -- (460,272) -- (454,272) -- (444,235) -- cycle ;

        %Shape: Rectangle [id:dp9211874715408599] 

        \draw   (423.67,103) -- (445,103) -- (445,221) -- (423.67,221) -- cycle ;

        %Shape: Polygon [id:ds37616303400924234] 

        \draw   (428,70.8) -- (596,102.8) -- (390,102.8) -- (389.67,116) -- (365,115.8) -- (365,99.8) -- cycle ;

        %Shape: Rectangle [id:dp27303642324716737] 

        \draw  [fill]  (574,141) -- (615.67,141) -- (615.67,166.8) -- (574,166.8) -- cycle ;

        %Straight Lines [id:da16436451599465085] 

        \draw    (596,102.8) -- (596,141.8) ;





        %Shape: Ellipse [id:dp5623296485977742] 

        \draw   (304.29,260.79) .. controls (304.29,257.03) and (307.43,253.98) .. (311.3,253.98) .. controls (315.17,253.98) and (318.31,257.03) .. (318.31,260.79) .. controls (318.31,264.56) and (315.17,267.6) .. (311.3,267.6) .. controls (307.43,267.6) and (304.29,264.56) .. (304.29,260.79) -- cycle ;

        %Shape: Ellipse [id:dp8882590747368574] 

        \draw   (361.04,260.79) .. controls (361.04,257.03) and (364.18,253.98) .. (368.05,253.98) .. controls (371.92,253.98) and (375.06,257.03) .. (375.06,260.79) .. controls (375.06,264.56) and (371.92,267.6) .. (368.05,267.6) .. controls (364.18,267.6) and (361.04,264.56) .. (361.04,260.79) -- cycle ;

        %Shape: Ellipse [id:dp6235874759199412] 

        \draw   (323.64,260.96) .. controls (323.64,257.2) and (326.78,254.15) .. (330.65,254.15) .. controls (334.52,254.15) and (337.65,257.2) .. (337.65,260.96) .. controls (337.65,264.72) and (334.52,267.77) .. (330.65,267.77) .. controls (326.78,267.77) and (323.64,264.72) .. (323.64,260.96) -- cycle ;

        %Shape: Rectangle [id:dp578145238398235] 

        \draw   (303,220) -- (355,220) -- (355,251.31) -- (303,251) -- cycle ;

        %Straight Lines [id:da7237903289050893] 

        \draw    (337,260.96) -- (361,260.79) ;

        %Shape: Arc [id:dp39536021244266417] 


        \draw  [draw opacity=0] (360,252.03) .. controls (361.05,250.88) and (363.42,250.22) .. (365.96,250.22) .. controls (372.56,250.22) and (378,254.71) .. (378,261) -- (365.96,261) -- cycle ; 

        \draw   (359.05,252.03) .. controls (361.05,250.88) and (363.42,250.22) .. (365.96,250.22) .. controls (372.56,250.22) and (378.02,254.71) .. (378.96,260.57) ;

        %Straight Lines [id:da37837499370512895] 

        \draw    (378,260) -- (393,260) -- (379,227) -- (359,227) -- (359,252.11) ;

        %Straight Lines [id:da7070361005195838] 

        \draw    (382,235) -- (363,235) -- (363,244) -- (386,244) -- cycle;





        %    \draw (65,272) -- (474,272) -- (474,320);

        %Shape: Polygon [id:ds025531371089408395] 

        \draw    (195,272) -- (65,272) -- (65,129) -- (85,129) -- (85,20) -- (117,20)  -- (117,52)-- (175,52) -- (175,129) -- (195,129) -- cycle ;

        %Shape: Grid [id:dp09099790819019526] 

        %    \draw  [draw opacity=0] (117,129) -- (195,129) -- (195,169) -- (117,169) -- cycle ; 

        \draw   (95,100) -- (95,60)(105,100) -- (105,60)(115,100) -- (115,60)(125,100) -- (125,60)(135,100) -- (135,60)(145,100) -- (145,60)(155,100) -- (155,60)(165,100) -- (165,60) ; 

        \draw   (85,100) -- (175,100)(85,90) -- (175,90)(85,80) -- (175,80)(85,70) -- (175,70)(85,60) -- (175,60) ; 

        \draw    ;

        %Shape: Rectangle [id:dp30583722611654374] 

        \draw [fill] (65,152) -- (195,152) -- (195,205) -- (65,205) -- cycle ;

        %Straight Lines [id:da13081779728777443] 






Références utiles :

Gérard Tisseau et Jacques Duma (2017). Tikz pour l'impatient

Christian Feuersanger (2017). Manual for Package pgfplots - 2D/3D Plots in LATEX, Version 1.15

Jean Pierre Casteleyn (2018). Visual Tikz