Volgea l’anima mia

She came to me in the simple dress of love,

and her eyes said, Lie with me for I

am beautiful; the breeze put down its leaves

and listened, clouds slowed, the evening blushed.

She grasped my chest then snatched her hand away

whereupon that sullen child, my self,

turned towards her face which seemed to say,

"Give me your heart, I live for nothing else!"

Hearing this, my heart, all needy, rushed

towards that source of loveliness and light

so that I gasped and cried out, "Desperate

and without heart, who now will give me life?"

Bringing me gently to her breasts she sighing

whispered, "I will, for I am your heart."

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If you want to reproduce this translation in any form, please would you credit me, Charles Marshall, as the author and include this website sites.google.com/site/marshallcharles Thank you.
