EFT and Matrix Reimprinting

Emotional Freedom Technique is a powerful tool for releasing trauma from the mind and the body, allowing you to be free and in control of your emotions and behaviour.

If you want to...

  • Improve relationships by overcoming Negative Emotions And Feelings, releasing jealousy, irritation, fear of commitment and fear of rejection.
  • Improve you mood by reducing sadness, managing anger and be free of panic attacks, anxiety or depression.
  • Be free of fears and phobias, improve your self-confidence and learn how to perform at your peak.

Prepare to be amazed at this simple and powerful process.

EFT is a simple accupressure based therapy combined with NLP, it helps identify conflicts between our beliefs and our dreams. Once identified the limiting beliefs and their effects can be transformed and our dreams realised.

Matrix reimprinting supports EFT and helps establish new positive and empowering feelings, behaviours and beliefs.

Contact Marion Bevington by email or Phone

There are so many fabulous resources out there, I want to lead you to some of my favorites.

The Founder Gary Craig, the most generous man I know - Great introduction and lots of free information.

My teachers - Karl Dawson - EFT Trainer and Developed Matrix Reimprinting - Visit his website

Sasha Allenby - Trainer, writer, all round Goddess - Click to visit her training website

Sharon King - Personal tour guide to a magical new you - Visit magical new beginnings

Robert Smith - FasterEFT founder and trainer - Healing magic

Ted Wilmot - A prolific EFT therapist and gentle soul - Download great manual and resources.