About Me

Radio presenting, interviews and special appearances on podcasts are something I love to do - sharing my message with you is important and these are just a few great ways to do this... I'd love to hear your questions and feedback - ENJOY!

Find out more and PLEASE Nominate me for The RADIO W.O.R.K.S. WORLD AWARDS 2016 follow the link to www.RadioWorks.World #TheVisionHost

Also find out how to Pre-order the up-coming book, "The Simple Truth about Your Vision - Great Conversations with Marion Bevington"

Can you find Your Wandering Mind?

According to scientific research (done in 2015 by J.Smallwood & J.W.Schooler Psychology Department, University of Aberdeen, Scotland) it seems you may spend up to 50% of your day lost in thought. Where is Your Mind Wandering to? Where is you attention focused right now? How much of your mind is wandering off somewhere else right now? And then this begs the questions... How much of your energy is going into what you focus? How is this impacting your happiness? 30th August 2016 - As the "Vision Host at RADIO W.O.R.K.S. WORLD" listen in as I share some of my story and the fundamental truth of each of us being a human being.

You can listen here 30th August 2016 - In this show I explore the ideas behind the wandering mind and what it is that you can do that helps you focus your attention exactly where you want it! Developing your ability to focus and relax so you can develop your inner vision and transform your life. Listen and watch NOW Great Conversations, real life, as it is happening!

The Truth - Don't leave home without it!

In this show we're diving deep into the paradox of family, reality and home. Discovering and dismantling more about programmed expectations and the inevitable disappointments that come with the boxes we find ourselves in. Play is the answer, play and don't take life so seriously. And find a resting place in your own heart that you can call home. You do find truth within the material world and at the same time, truth within your Spiritual essence. Do you ever consider your Family connections and how they relate to truth... the truth that connects you with both the material and the spiritual world, you are unique and we are all one! And the big question is Who owns the Land? 20th August 2016 - As the "Vision Host at RADIO W.O.R.K.S. WORLD" listen in as I share some of my story and the fundamental truth of each of us being a human being...

You can listen here

20th August 2016 - In this show I share more empowering stories of how you can develop your inner vision and transform your life. Listen and watch NOW Great Conversations, real life, as it is happening!

Are You Playing By The Rules? Who's Rules?

Can you SEE who you could be outside the social conditioning? It's a scary thought and at the same time very liberating... the wonderful unique self, the whole of you, un-cut from your spiritual being. Is your Identity the same as your past and your memories or is it a whole lot more? More than your upbringing, culture, education, social connection, and what other people see of you? What you already know about yourself, about your culture, and how you fit within society's rules and regulations, about the framework of who you are expected to be... What do you know about you Identity? Do you see yourself the same way that others do? can you ever? What do you know about playing by the Rules? And who's rules are you playing by? Today we're diving deep into all of these questions. 12th August 2016 - As the "Vision Host at RADIO W.O.R.K.S. WORLD" listen in as I share some of my story and the fundamental truth of each of us being a human being...

12th August 2016 - In this show I share more empowering stories of how you can develop your inner vision and transform your life. Listen and watch NOW Great Conversations, real life, as it is happening!

The Best Thing That Could Ever Happen To You...

Today we're diving deep into emotions again, discovering what brings expectations that can lead to disappointment, what makes you brilliant even when behaviour is bad or stupid, become clear that you are not your behaviour and find ways to be inspired and how that makes you inspiring. 8th August 2016 - As the "Vision Host at RADIO W.O.R.K.S. WORLD" listen in as I share some of my story and the fundamental truth of each of us being a human being...

8th August 2016 - In this show I share more empowering stories of how you can develop your inner vision and transform your life. Listen and watch NOW Great Conversations, real life, as it is happening!

The Voice Behind the Mask...

Today we're going into the deep sky of emotions. discovering what makes you who you are, how social conditioning impacting who you want to be and finding out who you are behind the mask of your personality? 21st July 2016 - As the "Vision Host at RADIO W.O.R.K.S. WORLD" listen in as I share some of my story and the fundamental truth of each of us being a human being...

21st July 2016 - In this show I share more empowering stories of how you can develop your inner vision and transform your life. Listen and watch NOW Great Conversations, real life, as it is happening!

The infinite Power of NOW...

"Can you see into the future? Do you dwell in the past? When you understand the power of your conscious mind in this present moment and how you can discern and CHANGE your mind to be BRILLIANT everyday, then life becomes your friend! You can have a Supa-cala-fraga-listic-expi-ally-doscious Day!" 19th July 2016 - As the "Vision Host at RADIO W.O.R.K.S. WORLD" listen in as I share some of my story and the fundamental truth of each of us being a human being...

19th July 2016 - In this show I'm take you through some easy and quick activities to get you into the present moments and into a super resourceful state - smiling and feeling it! Listen and watch NOW Great Conversations, real life, as it is happening!

Expanding your Inner Vision...

"Your Story is so very powerful… When you understand the depth of conditioning and how our experience of “reality” can be impacted by our own story and the stories we repeat about our life…" Marion Bevington 15th July 2016 - As the "Vision Host at RADIO W.O.R.K.S. WORLD" listen in as I share some of my story and the fundamental truth of each of us being a human being...

15th July 2016 - In this show I'm joined as usual by Marina Nani to inspire you to share your empowering story of your life. Listen and watch NOW Great Conversations, real life, as it is happening!

Who is Sovereign...

"I know where I'm going and I know the truth, and I don't have to be what you want me to be. I'm free to be what I want." Muhammad Ali 6th June 2016 - As the "Vision Host at RADIO W.O.R.K.S. WORLD" listen in as I share some of my story and the fundamental truth of each of us being a human being... In today's show I'm joined as usual by Marina Nani and by Katy Attwood from Marrakesh, World Class Explorer, Linguist, Thinker, mother of five, who know where she is going, knows her truth and is here to inspire you to become Sovereign of you. Listen and watch NOW Great Conversations, real life, as it is happening!

How to create permanent, sustainable change...

As the "Vision Host at RADIO W.O.R.K.S. WORLD" listen as I share some of my story and the fundamental truth of each human being your raw emotion. Want to change how you feel inside? I'm joined by Marina Nani as we discuss our journey's to change Emotions, then the Thinking, then the Behaviour. 24th May 2016 - It's not the destination but about your journey, and what you experience along the way... Find more great conversations at www.RadioWorks.World - Listen and watch NOW Great Conversations, real life, as it is happening!

Plug Your Heart into the Mind...

12th May 2016 - As the "Vision Host at RADIO W.O.R.K.S. WORLD" I'm joined by the founder Marina Nani as we discuss Mindfulness, "... a quality that's always there. It's an illusion that there's a meditation and post-meditation period, which I always find amusing, because you're either mindful or you're not." Richard Gere Find more great conversations at www.RadioWorks.World Listen and watch NOW Great Conversations, real life, as it is happening!

Find more great conversations and to Nominate me for The RADIO W.O.R.K.S. WORLD AWARDS 2016 follow the link to www.RadioWorks.World