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Photo Study Guide

What are the two file formats we use the most in our class?

.jpg and .psd.

What are the big differences between the two?

.jpg is a compression file format used to compress images for uploading images to the Web. Files are smaller making it quicker to upload. It is a “lossy” compression format, meaning data is lost when compressing.

.psd is the working Photoshop file format, it supports layers, channels and other things.

Which file format can handle layers? .psd

What is the screen resolution of your monitor? 72 ppi

What resolution should you have your files saved to for display on the Internet? 72 ppi. Printing? 200-300 dpi.

What is a basic composition rule when placing your main subject in the photograph?

Rule of Thirds. Place the subject where the intersections meet.

Know the Principles and Elements of Art:

Principles: Emphasis, Pattern, Unity, Balance, Movement, Rhythm, Contrast.

Elements: Space, Texture, Line, Shape, Color, Form, Value.

Which is a faster shutter speed? ½ or 1/500.

Which shutter speed would stop a fast moving object? 1/500

Which would be better for a “panning” picture. ½

The lens aperture is the opening in the lens. What f-stop lets more light into the camera? A. F1.4 or B. F22