Photo gallery

Dr. Kim after passing her Viva! 07-Oct-22

BOC Award to Dr. Kim, 06-Oct-22.

Amazing dinner in Cornstore to say goodbye to Fernando and Simon

Best of Luck , 31.08.2022

Congratulation Dr. Kim :-)

Best of Luck

Supervisors: Prof. Edmond Magner and Prof. Tewfik Soulimane. Examiners: Prof. Petra Hellwig, University of Strasbourg, France and Prof. Sarah Hudson, UL. (07-Oct-22)

Congratulations, Dr. Fernando, August 2022.

Congratulations Dr. Fernando! Best of luck, August 2022.

Group photo , 17.06.2022.

Professor Kirsten Mey, Minister Ossian Smyth, Simin Arshi and Dr Philip Nolan.


Bernal Research Day (Poster presentation), Kim Shortall, 26.04.2022.

Thesis in 3 competition, Simin Arshi, 26.04.2022.

Thesis in 3 competition, Fernando Otero.Diez, 26.04.2022.

Bernal Research Day (Poster presentation), Simin Arshi.


Group picture after some celebrations!! Congratulations Dr. Fernando!!

Shaking hands after Fernando passed his PhD Viva!!!

Edmond received a Christmas basket and the rest of us received a Secret Santa gift. What a day!!! 10/12/2020

Farewell dinner for Carina at Marco Polo 30-11-2021

Gala dinner of the XXV International Symposium on Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics at Strand Hotel. 29/05/2019

Participants of the XXV International Symposium on Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics. 27/05/2019

Research keyword clouds. 14/06/2018

Happy Birthday to Edmond. This year's cake features Edmond's research keywords including cytochrome c. 14/05/2018

Group photo 2018. 14/05/2018

Conferring of Honorary Doctorate Degree on Professor Robert Langer (MIT).

23/05/ 2018

Happy Birthday to Edmond. The cake features Irish flag, periodic table of elements and cytochrome c. 15/06/2017

Germany party 14/06/2017

Prof. Pankaj Vadgama from Queen Mary University of London (left) at UL. 18/05/2018

Group photo with Professor Lo Gorton and Renata Bilewicz 09/06/2017

Group photo 30/03/2017

Opening ceremony of Bernal Institute. 21/11/2016

Conferring ceremony of Dr. Marcela and Dr. Noreldeen. 25/08/2016

Dumpling Friday.18/11/2016

Group photo 25/06/2016

Group photo 17/06/2016

Prof. Edmond Magner's Inaugural lecture took place on Jan 27th 2016, the title was Proteins and Surfaces.

Merry Christmas 2015

Marcela gave her PhD viva talk. 23/02/2016

"Snowy-tree" For Christmas. Details on MSSI website.

Farewell dinner for Lenaic 10/06/2015

Group photo 2015

Christmas Dinner 2015

Group photo11/06/2015

Group photo 2015 (EM missing, lol)

Science Week 2014. EM was talking in a bar.

Group photo 2013

Graduations, September 2012

Traditional Irish Dance "Siege of Ennis"

Group photo 2006

Graduations, September 2005

With Rudolph Marcus

37th Heyrovsky Discussion, Castle Trest, Czech Republic, 13th-17th June 2004

Allen Bard and Edmond Magner

ESEAC 2004, NUI Galway, 6th - 10th June 2004