
Assignment Overview & Study Guide

Digital Composition Project

Assignment, timetable, and scoring guide

PowerPoint Quick Start Guide

Adding Sound & Video to a PowerPoint

Record and add narration and timings to a slide show

PowerPoint Upload to YouTube

iMovie Quick Start Guide

iMovie Quick Upload to YouTube

Movie Maker Quick Start Guide

Movie Maker Upload to YouTube

Pecha Kucha - What is it?

Pecha Kucha - iPad SonicPics app


iMovie. Includes tracking shot, close up, long shot, bird's eye view, worm's eye view, sound effects, etc...

Peter's Overdue Book (8:09)

SonicPics app on iPad. 20 slides 20 seconds per slide format. Still images and voice over...

Madison Library Pecha Kucha (6:41)

SonicPics app on iPad. Still images and voice over...

Language Arts Forecasting Video (4:52)

MovieMaker. Includes still shots, video clip, voice over.

Book Trailer created by a Madison Freshman (3:05)

Crucibles in Action (7:42)

Bearings Taken (4:30)

Helpful resources for Digital Composition:

From http://www.umsl.edu/~ryanga/amer.studies/Digital_Presentations/digital.basics.html

Web Sites that Allow Legal Access to Images, Music, etc…

Wikimedia Commons is a media file repository making available public domain and freely-licensed educational media content


Creative Commons is this site provides links to a host of sites and organizations that have agreed to some leniency of copyright protection. http://creativecommons.org

Discovery School is this site is geared towards educators and students, with free material that is intended to be used for school projects. http://school.discoveryeducation.com/clipart/

The Free Site is this site is loaded with free web-based things, and this link connects you to their clip art index. http://thefreesite.com/Free_Graphics/Free_clipart/index.html

Free Kids Music -- this site has children's music available from artists who have agreed to share their work for free for children and educators. http://freekidsmusic.com/

Free Play Music – this site is a free music site that you can browse by genre and tempo. http://freeplaymusic.com/