
TEMPORARY from 8/19 – 6/21: Madison High School at Marshall Campus 3905 SE 91st Ave. Portland, OR 97266 503-916-5220

Nancy Sullivan

NBC Teacher Librarian


Library Office x86202

Library Assistant

Circulation Desk x86201

Textbook Clerk

Textbook Room - x86207

T h e L i b r a r y P r o g r a m

Madison High School Library’s mission is to ensure that students are effective users of ideas and information. The library program supports student learning through collaboration with classroom teachers, teaching essential 21st century information skills (including all aspects of the research process), fostering a love of reading and literature, and providing necessary resources.

Take a look at our Pecha Kucha HERE describing the library program!

Click HERE to see our Showcase Video!

Library Hours:


7:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday & Friday7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. on Monday, Wednesday, & Thursday

Madison’s library is proud to host numerous visits from distinguished authors each year. We also partner with many community and other non-profit groups, provide students with engaging presentations, and design other events showcasing student work and interaction with the wider community.

If you are interested in volunteering for the Madison Library, please contact Nancy Sullivan!

Quote: I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library - Jorge Luis Borges