Del Debbio

Discovering MLA Format

Model Paper

Answer these five questions:

1. What type of source is Buchanan?

2. What does the 99 in the citation (Mundy 99) stand for?

3. In which year was the source by Wente published?

4. What type of source is Munro and Munro?

5. On page 3 why does the citation only include (268)?

MLA Formatting Information:

MLA Format example - These examples are on pages 119 & 120 in your MHS Planner and posted near the computers!

Header/Format scoring

Works Cited scoring

Citation Maker

Ethnographies Web Resources: Ethnographies Booklist

The Merchants of Cool

This site accompanies a Frontline episode about market research into the lives of teens. You can watch the program on the site, and there is section about ethnography here:

Outstanding Ethnographic Research Reports

This site shares outstanding college student papers on ethnographic research. The topics include youth and immigrants.

Living and Learning with New Media: Summary of Findings from the Digital Youth Project

“Over three years, University of California, Irvine researcher Mizuko Ito and her team interviewed over 800 youth and young adults and conducted over 5000 hours of online observations as part of the most extensive U.S. study of youth media use.” This is a two-page summary; the full white paper can be found at It has a fuller explanation of the researchers’ ethnographic approach.

danah boyd

danah boyd is a researcher who often studies youth and their digital presence. This site has a collection of her articles, blog posts, and videos.