
John W. MacMenamin 9/9/1929 - 3/13/2020

GRANVILLE – John W. Mac Menamin, 90, passed peacefully at home with family on Friday March 13th, 2020.

orn September 9, 1929 John was raised in Bronx, NY the son of Irish immigrants John J. Mac Menamin and Elizabeth "Lilly" Powderly from Dublin, Ireland, processed through Ellis Island. John met his wife Carol at the Grand Central Terminal in New York City. John worked for the Railroad and Carol was a Doctor's secretary working for the Pullman Company. They married in 1954 and had 4 children Jil, Jeff, John and Cathy. Raising for small children in the Bronx had its many challenges. John worked as a correction officer at Sing Sing prison and in 1962 John requested a transfer to Great Meadows and was granted a relocation. Now to find a home, John would drive up and take photographs of towns and houses for Carol to inspect and they decided to settle in Granville as opposed to other surrounding towns. They weren't finding "THE HOUSE" from pictures, so Carol decided she needed to come with John on the next house hunting mission. When rounding the corner of Elm Street, Carol proclaimed "THAT'S THE ONE!" John explained "That house isn't for sale Carol". She said let's just knock on the door and talk with them. Mrs. McHenry answered the door and Carol explained the situation and asked if they would consider selling. The home owner and her mother decided they would consider selling, but John and Carol would need to bring the children back to verify the story was legitimate. The McHenrys agreed to sell for $8,000 after the whole family came back all scrubbed up and in their Sunday's best and 28 Elm Street has been the Mac Menamin homestead ever since. In 1967, the last child; Claire was born in Granville at Emma Lang Stephens Hospital and their family was complete. John served honorably in the military starting early by joining the Civil Air Patrol with Sister Alice, while later volunteering for the US Army. He served during the Korean War, stationed in Germany where he purchased his first camera spurring his love of photography. John was an inaugural member of the Granville Volunteer Rescue Squad where he mastered the games of ping pong and pool. He enjoyed target shooting as a member of the Granville Pistol Club and going to the Phil Smith memorial range and shooting then reloaded his own bullets. He loved his church, St, Mary's and served as Grand Knight of the Knights of Columbus. Now, back in the day, he held a variety of jobs some of which were... A soda jerk, an usher at the Roxy Theater in Manhattan, a shoe salesman, a Yellow Taxi driver, a school bus driver, and even learned shorthand to become a court stenographer. This skill helped to win Carol's heart by writing her love letters in shorthand. John and Carol were married for 59 yrs. They have 12 grandchildren, 9 great grand-children and 1 great-great granddaughter due to arrive in a few months. We invite family and friends to join us on Monday – March 16, to pay their respects as we celebrate John. Calling hours will be 6:00-8pm at the Robert M King Funeral Home at 23 Church Street in Granville, NY. The Funeral Mass will be held on St. Patrick's Day (It's like John planned the whole thing) March 17th at St. Mary's Catholic Church on 23 Buckley Avenue in Granville, NY. Immediately following Mass we will serve corned beef and cabbage dinner at the Knights of Columbus hall and his burial is postponed until warmer weather at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Cemetery in Middle Granville. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to:

  • Granville Rescue Squad, POB 153, Granville, NY

  • Knights of Columbus, POB 343, Granville, NY 12832

  • St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church, 23 Bulkley Ave., Granville, NY 12832

Visitation at Funeral Home: 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Monday, March 16, 2020 Robert M King Funeral Home 23 Church St. Granville, New York, United States

Wake - This is Open Casket - Pop looks good Mary always does a great job!

This was the quiet hour for family with their dad before the friends & neighbors come.

Pop had had his 90th Birthday Bash in September where almost everyone in the family came

due to the pandemic, It was highly recommended that we keep this to a small group.

Funeral Service: 4:00 pm Tuesday, March 17, 2020 St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church 23 Bulkley Ave. Granville, New York, United States

Pallbearers Lto R - Tim Patricia (Elm Street Neighbor), Jeffrey MacMenamin (Oldest Son)

Jake Akeley & Josh Akeley (Youngest Grandchildren - mother=Claire)

John MacMenamin (Youngest Son, LOL 366 days younger than Jeffrey)

Kenneth MacMenamin Leach (Oldest Grandchild - mother=Jil),

Father Joe - Life Celebration Mass on St. Patrick's Day March 17, 2020 - Filmed to share with Church Family

and Town of Granville friends who could not attend due to COVID-19 pandemic.

Dr. Brenda MacMenamin (Johnny Boy's Wife - giving the first reading) Isaiah 25:6-9 & prayer responces

St Mary's Church recently underwent a massive restoration. Everything is pristine!

No flowers were allowed at the church because of Lent. For John's 90th Birthday his children

donated new speakers and wiring to St. Mary's in his name. The sound system works niecly.

Cathy Reading: Revolations

Mass: Prepairing for the Host


Incense - KennyMac had a hard time with incense - and Father Joe really swong the Incense

Cathy & Johnny Singing "I can Only Imagine"

Thanking Father Joe

Military Honors: John W. was in the Army, during the Korean War. He served in Germany, were he purchased

a beautiful camera and enjoyed his love of photography. The flag was presented to the oldest Child Jil, who

then presented it to John's youngest grandchild Jake - who is in the Marines. Taps was played perfectly

by KennyMac's Uncle Steve Leach.

Ringing of the Church Bell https://youtu.be/oNV_9Hr5udY

JilMac reached under and gonged the bell - Jake commented how loud it was.

Then Claire declaired "Let's Really Ring It!", Cathy and Brenda joined in and keep it ringing!!

Father Joe's smiles as he closes the last mass at St. Mary's Church - it was all very fitting. xoxo

Final Resting Place in April Our Lady Of Mt. Carmel Middle Granville Road Middle Granville, New York, United States

Due to the soft ground and the weight of the equipment that must be used to place the cement casement & casket

We have to wait until April or May to enture John William MacMenamin

Initially the family thought we could celebrate with Church Friends & Towns People since the COVID-19 isolation would surely be done by then.

It will not be the case. The Pandemic will last a long time.

Also Mary from Kings Funeral Home explained if we were to have many people up at the cemetary

we would have to wait longer to enture John. Since all the roadways and ground would have to be dryer.

So the family will have a small group at the enturment - and everyone can drive by when the cemetary is open

for the season. Jil & Jeffrey will be planting and fussing this summer and you can write them at Jil@JilMac.com

Thank you everyone for your kind words, well wishes and love that you have given John & Carol and

the Mac Kids: Jil, Jeffrey, Johnny, Cathy & Claire. We love you all very much. xoxo