League Leadership

LWV elects leadership during their annual spring meeting. While there is a nominating committee that provides suggested leadership roles, anyone is able to make electoral nominations. 

Currently, our board meets the 2nd Monday evening of the month. Any LWV member can submit (and/or attend with) agenda items. Please contact the President with your agenda request one week prior to meeting.

Below are the current board elected officials as of May, 2022.

Click to view the LWV WC Bylaws.

President - Margy Davey

Email: margy@mdavey.us

A strong interest in social justice and a background in advocacy led me to LWV. "I like the nonpartisan sharing of ideas and the in-depth study of issues LWV provides. I appreciate that diverse opinions are welcome and thoughtfully digested in a safe and respectful atmosphere."

Posy Thurow -- VP

Email: Posythurow@gmail.com

Posy is a complete League nerd, and helps plan the League's voter services projects.   She has been a member since 2017, and thinks that empowering voters is the perfect second act for a retired teacher.  

Sue Panek - Secretary

Sue Panek has been a long time supporter and member of the Winnebago County LWV.  


This is her second time on the board and currently serves as secretary, "official" photographer and discussion moderator for the FFT programs.


Sue's career included 40 years in nonprofit work, first with Girl Scouting and ending her career as the executive director/president of the Oshkosh Area United Way.  Working toward the Common Good was always in the forefront of her work, and the values and positions League has closely align to her personal values.

Treasurer - Karen Boehning

Email: boehningk@gmail.com Retired librarian with a strong interest in social issues.

Director - Kathy Propp

Email: kmpropp42@gmail.com

Committed LWV member since 1968. Oshkosh City Council member 1976-92, Oshkosh Mayor 1984-86. Current member of Oshkosh Plan Commission. LWV sets aside political party talking points to learn about all sides of local, state, and national public policy issues.

Director - Mary Ann Offer

rebecca Heidke Kwiatkowski - Director

Sue Tappy - Director

I became involved in LWV' s by first attending FFT presentations and being very impressed and motivated by the people I met.  My major focus is empowering eligible people to participate in their right to vote in elections and promoting democracy both in local and national platforms.  

Marlene Walsh - Director

I have spent my career in the nonprofit sector and in retirement I am enjoying the opportunity to expand my knowledge in both local and national issues.  I am proud to be a member of the nonpartisan and well-respected League of Women Voters.