Wes Johnson

Mr. Johnson, When You said you were a Cosmologist it started to make sense.

I can Model Electromagnetic Waves in my Head.

You most likely cannot.

First thing to Know is..

"Magnetism and Electricity are Most efficiently Balanced to each other when they are at 90 degrees to each other"

..Like the Yellow Picture below

Think of the Whole Damn universe, "In Unison, as one Big Block" Jiggling back and forth 2.4263e-12 meters in 8.09326564e-21 seconds

"That Jiggling" is each of these Little circles making a Revolution.

If the Circles are Out of Synchronization, They form a Wave Pattern like the black Dots, below Left.

The Speed that wave travels Diagonally Across the block of Circle is 299792458 meters per second = c

The Circles on the Left below are almost an Exact depiction of the formula for the Impedance of the Vacuum


(Elastic Property / Inertial Property)^0.5 = Velocity

If the Elastic property = 1

Then the Inertial property = 1/c^2

(1 / (8.85418782e-12 * ((4 * pi) / (10^7))))^0.5 = 299792457.96

If the Elastic property = 1/(4pi/10^7)

Then the Inertial property = 8.85418782e-12

(1/(4pi/10^7) / 8.8541885e-12)^0.5 = 299792446.448



c / ((0.75^0.5) / 2) = 692 341 025 m/s

(0.75^0.5) / 2 = 0.43301270189

1/(0.75^0.5 /2) = 2.30940107676

(0.75^0.5 ) = 0.86602540378

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Now ... Do That in 3 Dimensions with a Schwartz P Minimal Surface


(0.16pi - 1/376.730313461)* m*v^2 = Kinetic Energy of space time

(0.16 * pi) - (1 / 376.730313461) = 0.50000040584


1.2356e+20 Hz = 510998 eV

((1.49833385e+10^2) + (299792458^2)) / 2 = 1.1229515e+20

(((1.49833385e+10^2) + (299792458^2)) / 2) / (1.2356e+20 Hz) = 0.908830965 seconds
