246 GeV Energy Contained in Higgs Field

3.71295775e-28 kg * c^2 * (pi *376.730313462) = 246.508252 GeV

(((246.508252 GeV) / (c^2)) / (3.71295775e-28 kg)) / pi = 376.730313

((6.6740800122e-11 * (newtons / (meters^2))) / (3.71295775e-28 * 2 * (kg / (meter^3))))^0.5 = 299792458 m / s

((2 * G * (1 kg)) / (c^2)) / 4 = 3.71295774e-28 meters


To date, the critical density is estimated to be approximately five atoms (of monatomic hydrogen) per cubic metre,

whereas the average density of ordinary matter in the Universe is believed to be 0.2–0.25 atoms per cubic metre

(3.71295775e-28 kilograms) / 1.67377e-27 = 0.221832017 Atomic Mass Units

http://vixra.org/pdf/1310.0191vD.pdf Time and the Black-hole White-hole Universe



Riess and Perlmutter (notes 2) using Type 1a supernovae calculated

the end of the universe tend ∼ 1.7e-121 ∼ 0.588e+121 units of Planck time;

tend ∼ 0.588e+121 ∼ 0.2e+71yrs (19)

The maximum temperature Tmax would be when tage = 1.

What is of equal importance is the minimum possible temperature

Tmin - that temperature 1 unit above absolute zero, for in

the context of this expansion theory, this temperature would

signify the limit of expansion (the black-hole could expand

no further). For example, if we simply set the minimum temperature

as the inverse of the maximum temperature;

Tmin ∼ 1/Tmax ∼ 8π/TP ∼ 0.1773e−30 K (20)

This would then give us a value ‘the end’ in units of Planck

time (∼ 0.35e+73 yrs) which is close to Riess and Perlmutter;

t-end = T^4 max ∼ 1.014e+123 (21)

The mid way point (Tmid = 1K) becomes T^2 max ∼ 3.18e+61 ∼ 108.77 billion years.


(1 / ((((5.39116e-44 seconds) * 4.769959e+120 seconds)^0.5) / (4pi))) / G = 3.71295788e-28 kg/m^3

(4.769959e+120 seconds) / 0.588e+121 = 0.811217517 seconds

((5^0.5) + 1) / 4 = 0.80901699437