Polyhedral Planck Units

Polyhedral Planck Temp

((2.25e-8 * (1.66666666e-35^2)) / (5.55555555e-44^2)) / 1.3888888888e-23 = 1.458e+32 K

6.0e+26 Avogadro Constant per kg

8333.333333 Gas Constant

1.3888888e-23 Boltzmann's Polyhedral

Avogadro's Polyhedral

8333.3333333 / 1.38888888888e-23 = 6e+26

Proton Electron mass ratio

(((6e+26 / 8333.3333333) * 1.12500e-34 * 6) / (6.66666666e-11^3)) / (3e+8^2) = 1822.5

Fine Structure 135

(((6e+26 / 8333.3333333) * 1.12500e-34 * 6 * 3e+8) / 2) * 135 = 0.98415

1 / ((6e+26 / 8333.3333333) * (3.0030257286 * 1.12500e-34) * 3e+8) = 137.036

Pi Wonky (3.0030257286) - 6 = -2.9969742714

Pi is "WONKY"

((6e+26 / 8333.3333333) * (3.04831580552 * 1.12500e-34) * 3e+8) * 135 = 1

3.04831580552 = pi

pi / 3.04831580552 = 1.03059947001 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Pyyg84mQuEJYTvyNuO6xImKgyE-fwLI49cbAQ__fd6k/edit?usp=sharing

"WONKY" won·ky

> ˈwäNGkē/ adjectiveinformal

crooked; off-center; askew.

"you have a wonky nose and a crooked mouth"

(of a thing) unsteady; shaky.

"they sat drinking, perched on the wonky stools"

not functioning correctly; faulty.

"your sense of judgment is a bit wonky at the moment"