Fuller Folmsbee Theory of Everything

Theory of Everything .... Fuller Folmsbee G = 6.67406745595e-11

Folmsbee Gravity Theory

1 / ((137035.99912^2) / ((5.23961254e-9 sec * 299792458)^0.5)) = 6.6740675e-11

1 / ((137035.99912^2) / ((5.23961254e-9 sec * 299792458)^0.5)) = G

(137036 - 137035.9991232535539893) / 1e+12 = 8.7674646e-16m

(137036 - 137035.9991232535539893) * (G / (200 / 3)) = 8.77721403e-16 m

(137036 - 137035.9991232535539893) * (G*50) * 3e-4 ) = 8.77721403e-16 m

(137036 - 137035.9991232535539893) / (299792458) * 3e-4 ) = 8.7735342e-16


((pi/2e+12)^0.5 / 6.67406745595e-11)^0.5 = 137.036

(1 / 137) * (kilograms per coulomb) = 0.00729927007 kg s-1 A-1

1 / ((1 / 137.03599912) * (kilograms per coulomb)) = 137.035999 s A / kg


1/((137035.8715^2)/(pi/2)^0.5 ) = G is to "G" what E = mc^2 is to "c"

((137035.8713^4) * (G^2)) / (pi / 2) = 1

1/((137035.8715^2)/(pi/2)^0.5 ) = G

1/((137035.99912^2)/(pi/2)^0.5 ) = 6.6740675e-11

((e * cos(137035.9991232535539893 radians) * phi) - 2)^2 = 5

((e * cos(137035.9991232535539893radians)) - 1) / phi = 1

(((137036^4) * (6.67406745595e-11^2)) * 2) = pi

NIST G = 6.6740800122e-11

Fuller G = 6.67406745595e-11


((137036^4) * (G^2)) / (pi / 2) = 1.00000376 m^6 kg^-2 s^-4



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3e+8/(1+(30299792458 / 299792458 -101)/100) = c

(30.299792458^2) * 2 = 1836.154846



(0.5109989461 * ((30.299792458^2) * 2)) / 938.2720813 = 1.0000011829

0.5109989461 * ((30.2997745373^2) * 2) = 938.272081304

299774537.3 / the speed of light = 0.999940223

938.2720813 MeV wikipedia

0.5109989461 MeV wikipedia

Can't be a ANOTHER Coincidence

3e+8 / ((30299792458 / 29979245800) - .01) = 299792458

1 / ((30299792458^2) / (1.23558996e+20 * (2 * pi))) = 0.84561938763

2.4263102367e-12 m Compton wavelength

Comptom Frequency 1.23558996e+20

1 - (1 / tau) = 0.8408450569

Donation Goal $ (3*c) $899,377,374