
30 Nov. 1990

Dear Noam,

Enclosed is a letter that appeared in the local paper which I thought you might like to see, since we both believe that every little bit helps.

On the second front, AIDS is getting bigger and bigger and quieter and quieter. Segal is the Jim Garrison of AIDS. Fletcher Prouty has told a lot of people (including me) that MONGOOSE had the JFK contract and that Lansdale is the guy walking away in the "tramps" photo in Garrison's book (On the Trail of the Assassins). Segal, Garrison, Prouty–they're all crazy, of course. Me too.



Chomsky thanked me (12/17/90) for my letter and AIDS article, commenting only that the latter was "quite a story."  These were to be his last words on the subject to me.

I did hear from LOOT, however, where I had also sent my AIDS article, ten days later. Bill Schaap wrote (12/27/90) that they had "real problems with the Segal material," that "the most credible critic in this country of the standard medical establishment line is Dr. Peter Duesberg," and that although "incredibly significant," the AIDS origin issue was not, as I had called it in my letter to him, "'the biggest cover-up since JFK.'"

He said LOOT or CAIB would be interested in a "general piece on the failure of the media (U.S. and Western Europe) to cover alternative theories in general, which would not have to accept any particular theory, but would show how conferences which take the establishment line get considerable coverage whereas those which do not are barely, if at all, covered."  See Addendum 5.