Events and Groups June 2024


“Fun with Flowers”

Longhorsley Village Hall

Friday 21st June 2.30 - 4pm

Booking is essential, so we can provide the necessary equipment.

Contact Olive or 07907 714455

No experience necessary.

Looking forward to seeing you - Olive, Dorothy and Shirley

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More details about all groups are in the Groups Supplement that was distributed with the September 2021 edition of the newsletter.
Extra copies are available on the Back Copies page.

Ladies Lunch Group

The next Ladies Lunch will be at the Eshott Hall at 12.30pm on the 13th June. Could those intending to come please let me know at, and copy to

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Longhorsley WI

After a successful AGM and a very enjoyable 40th Birthday party in May, we look forward to a new year of interesting Speakers and activities.

At our next meeting on Thursday 6th June we will be hearing about ‘Chasing Eclipses’. Visitors would be very welcome.

For any information contact: 

Audrey Wiggins, Secretary on 788692 or

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Longhorsley Juniors Football Club

As the season draws to a close, the Longhorsley Juniors Football Club is celebrating another successful year, with two of their teams clinching league titles.

The club will host its annual end-of-year BBQ and awards ceremony on Friday, 7th June, on  the common from 5pm till 9pm. There will be raffle prices to help raise funds for the club. 

Additionally, the club is seeking to establish an under-6 team for the upcoming season and is calling for interested children and adults to get involved. For more information, please reach out to Andrew at 07810 115152 or Freya at 07841 536797.

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Walking Group

The walks are usually 4 to 6 miles long and it’s a good idea to bring a drink and energy snack on the walk.  

The next upcoming walks are:

Monday 3rd June: Drake Stone, led by Keren 07547 566669.

Thursday 20th June: TBC

Monday 1st July: Etal and Ford, led by Penny 788278.

New walkers are always welcome. 

For more information please contact  Sheena & Jan  07801 005634

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Longhorsley Local History Society

Our next meeting will be on Tuesday 11th June in the Village Hall, 7 for 7.30pm. Refreshments available from 7pm. 

Gary Ritchie will be talking about The Census.

The AGM will be held before the talk. All are welcome, admission is free. 

Derek Knox 788329

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Longhorsley Village Hall Baby & Toddler Group

Join us every Thursday morning, 9.15 - 11.15am, for a play, chat and snacks. Only £2 per child (under 6 months free). Everyone is welcome! No booking necessary. Follow our Facebook page for updates.

We need your help!

We are looking for new people to take over the running of the group, now our own “toddlers” are at school! Please contact Joanna Reilly for an informal chat, so we can keep this important community group going - otherwise sadly it will end.

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Christian Vision for Men

The Christian Vision for Men group has monthly breakfasts at the Angler's Arms. Our next breakfast will be on Saturday 29th June at 8.30am. Our speaker that morning will be Joe Beswick, who is leading an urban mission in Hexham called the Eden Project. Joe has had an eventful life and will share some of his experiences in his talk entitled “Who am I?”. 

The charge for those attending the breakfast is £11 (cash only).

For more information and to book a place, please contact 

Jim Cockburn on 01670 510130 or 

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Keep Fit Class

We continue to exercise in the Village Hall on Monday mornings, between 9.15 and 10.15am. Our aim is to have fun while exercising and new members are most welcome. 

Shirley Forster is our Instructor and sessions are in conjunction with Age UK.

Mary Stephenson  788232 

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St. Helen’s Coffee Morning

Our next Coffee Morning will be held on Saturday 1st June at 10am in St. Helen’s Church. There will be a raffle, and stall as usual. All are welcome.

Mary Stephenson  788232

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Longhorsley WI - 40th Anniversary

Longhorsley WI celebrated their 40th anniversary this month with a ‘touch of red’ party. Members shared their memories of the year 1984 and many went on to explain their involvement with the WI over the past 40 years and discussed just how important the WI was to their lives. It was a fabulous evening of friendship and fun. 

Everyone is now looking forward to our next year which includes evenings of astronomy, chocolate, the law and knitting. 

We welcomed 4 new members last year and would love to see even more in this celebratory year.

Here are 3 photos from our 40th anniversary party earlier this month. 

It’s a full group, founder members from 1984 and first president Esther Roberts who cut our special cake.

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