Churches June 2024

St Helen's Church

Sunday Service:

10am  Holy Communion 

           (1st and 3rd Sundays)

10am  Morning Prayer 

           (2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays)

Everyone is welcome.

PCC Meeting 

The next meeting of the PCC is on Wednesday 17th July at 7.00pm with a parishioner slot at 7.30pm.

St Helen's Contact Details

During the Interregnum the Area Dean will be responsible for the Parish.

Rev. Chris Groocock  01670 813358

Thought for the Month - Creations Light Show

On Friday the 10th of May were you lucky enough to see and experience the Northern Lights? Friends sent me the pictures the next day that they had taken – amazing images of the sky lit up with so much colour. I had missed it; not even aware it was happening. I had missed an opportunity to gaze in wonder.

Today we know the science behind the Northern Lights. But imagine gazing up at green, red, and purple lights flickering across the sky and not knowing what they are. The aurora borealis has influenced folklore and legends through the ages. The Northern Lights for example were assigned great power and significance by the peoples of ancient Nordic societies. Whether a harbinger of good or evil, the lights were magical and revered. There are many other stories online of tribes and peoples trying to explain the kind of wonderful display many were privileged to see in our skies recently. I love that the Estonians believed that the Northern Lights were sleighs taking guests to a spectacular wedding celebration in the heavens.

I wonder if the spectacles we see in creation be it the Northern lights or the skies lit up with a trillion stars make us wonder about a creator? St Paul wrote in his letter to the Romans ‘Ever since the creation of the world his eternal power and divine nature, invisible though they are, have been understood and seen through the things he has made.’

King David, when he was a shepherd boy had plenty of opportunities to gaze up at the sky as he was tending to his father’s sheep. This is what he wrote in Psalm 19… 

The heavens proclaim the glory of God.

The skies display his craftsmanship.

 Day after day they continue to speak;

 night after night they make him known.

They speak without a sound or word;

 their voice is never heard.

 Yet their message has gone throughout the earth,

 and their words to all the world.

If you were lucky enough to see the Northern lights recently, was it a revelation of God as St Paul and King David spoke of? Perhaps like me it is on your bucket list to experience, be it for the first time or again and again…. I doubt any of us would turn down an opportunity of seeing this wonderful spectacle. And so, I hope it’s not too long before creation speaks to us again through the Northern lights.

Diane Armstrong, St Helen’s

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Brinkburn Partnership of Catholic Parishes

St Thomas Catholic Church

Every Monday and Thursday - Mass at 12noon 

Every Sunday - Mass at 11.15am


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Mission Free Church

Sunday Services:

11am Family Service and creche

5.30pm Prayer in the Mission Hall

6pm Evening Worship / Bible Study

For our other group meetings, please see the Group Activities sections.

Visitors are always very welcome to all our events.

Contact Ian Pagan 788263


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