Events and Groups July/August 2024


Longhorsley Village Hall

is delighted to present


Northumberland’s Premier Male Folk Choir

with conductor - Jon Doran

Sunday 30th June, 2.30pm-5.30pm

£3 on the door, entry includes tea and cakes

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“Fun with Flowers”

Longhorsley Village Hall

Friday 19th July and Friday 16th August

2.30 - 4pm

Everyone welcome. Please book your place by emailing

Olive or phone 07907 714455

£5 each, which includes refreshments

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Wingates Village Institute Hall

Saturday 31st August, 2pm - 6pm

Summer BBQ and live music

We will have a licensed bar and children's activities. 

Cost is £5 each, which includes Sausages, Salads and Bread.

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The Longhorsley Ball

Just a reminder that this year’s Longhorsley Ball will be held at Linden Hall Hotel on Saturday 7th December. Tickets are £55pp to include a glass of fizz on arrival, 3 course sit down dinner, entertainment from our fabulous close up magician, and dancing to live music from the wonderful Shakedown, followed by a disco.

It’s always a perfect way to start the festive period, and a great fundraiser for local causes in the village.

Tickets are on sale now, so please do get in touch - it would be fantastic to see you there. 

Lizzy Prescott  07595 909510 and Karen Fish  07803 603376

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Future Events in the Village Hall

Saturday 7th September, 7pm: Music Night with Andy Craig (Blue Sky) 

Adults £10, Children Free. Tea/Coffee/Juice Available. Pooled Supper - BYOB

Saturday 12th October: Car Boot / Table Top Sale

October (TBC): Family Quiz

Friday 29th November: Wine Tasting

Saturday 7th December: Wreath Making

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More details about all groups are in the Groups Supplement that was distributed with the September 2021 edition of the newsletter.
Extra copies are available on the Back Copies page.

Ladies Lunch Group

The next Ladies Lunch will be at the Ad Gefrin Bistro in Wooler at 12.30pm on the 16th July. The August outing will be at the Beresford Arms in Whalton at 12.30pm on the 14th August.

Could those intending to come please let me know at, and copy to

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Longhorsley WI

After Chasing Eclipses around the world last month we will be learning about Mary's Meals at our next Meeting. 

This will be on Thursday 4th July at 7.30pm when we will hear about the charity which was started with the aim of delivering one meal per day to school children in poor areas of the world. Visitors would be very welcome.

For any information contact: 

Audrey Wiggins, Secretary on 788692 or

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Art Group

There is NO meeting on the 12th July (setting up for the fete). There is a meeting on 26th July

There will be NO meetings in August.

Val Douglas

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Longhorsley Local History Society

The history society held it’s AGM on the 11th of June; here is an extract from the Chairman’s report: 

“We have had another very good year of interesting talks, well researched and presented and a very interesting visit to Cresswell Pele Tower last July.

We have changed our format to a café style seating and now offer refreshments from 7pm, which has been well received.

There was a break in at the village hall recently and 2 of our 3 cabinets were damaged, but we are still able to lock them and nothing was taken.

The British Association of Local History Societies publish booklets, which we have available and also hold talks on line. Please let me have your email address if you are interested in these. 

The local projects we would like to develop are: Longhorsley water mill, Be-Ro flour research, the village wells and springs, transcribing the WW2 oral history project, Longhorsley pubs past and present and the history of the coal mine on Longhorsley Moor. 

We have also been approached for advice about publishing a book of poems about Northumberland places and characters and Glyn Scott is working on a new edition of a book on Longhorsley history by Billy Ricalton. 

Please let us know if you’re interested in helping with any of these projects.

We are delighted to welcome Laurence Upton to the committee.”

The AGM was followed by fascinating talk on the Census, by Garry Ritchie. He told us of the early history (much longer ago than you might think!), how it evolved and why, and taxation usually featured! Garry then brought us right up to date with modern developments and his work transcribing the older census records.

Penny Ford, Chairman

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Christian Vision for Men

The Christian Vision for Men group has monthly breakfasts at the Angler's Arms. Our breakfast in July will be on Saturday 27th July at 8.30am. The speaker that morning will be one of our own members, Tony Patrick, who will be speaking on the subject “Getting Ready for the Wedding”. 

Our breakfast in August will be on Saturday 31st August at 8.30am. The speaker that morning will be Chris Chayera, a visual mouth artist from Africa. With his disabilities, he has a powerful testimony about his life serving God.

The charge for those attending the breakfast is £11 (cash only).

For more information and to book a place, please contact 

Jim Cockburn on 01670 510130 or 

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Keep Fit Class

We continue to exercise in the Village Hall on Monday mornings, between 9.15 and 10.15am. New members are most welcome. 

In July we meet on the 8th and 15th, and if we decide to continue with two more in July, then members will be be notified.

We then have a break during August and restart on the 2nd September. 

Shirley Forster is our Instructor and sessions are in conjunction with Age UK.

Mary Stephenson  788232 

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Walking Group

The walks are usually 4 to 6 miles long and it’s a good idea to bring a drink and energy snack on the walk.  

The next upcoming walks are:

Monday 1st July: Etal and Ford, led by Penny 788278.

Thursday 18th July: Ponteland circular, led by Estelle 07803 137279.

Monday 5th August: Rothbury, led by Tracey 07528 014772.

Thursday 15th August: TBC, led by Keren 07547 566669.

New walkers are always welcome. 

For more information please contact  Sheena & Jan  07801 005634

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St. Helen’s Coffee Morning

Instead of Coffee Morning on the 6th July, the Church will be open for coffee and chat. All welcome.

PLEASE NOTE: NO Coffee Morning in August, the next one will be 7th September.

Mary Stephenson  788232

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Embroidery Group

The meetings will be on 5th July and 2nd August.

Val Douglas

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Longhorsley Local History Society

This year’s summer outing will be on 9th July to see LV50, the lightship, at Blyth. There will be a guided tour of one of the last preserved lighthouse ships in the country. Built in 1879, it is moored at Blyth harbour. The tour starts at 2.30pm, leaving Longhorsley Village Hall car park about 1.45pm.

We need to know how many are coming, so please inform Derek Knox by or Glyn Scott on 01670 788499.

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