Articles July/August 2024

Village Fete 2024

Village Fete information and entry form can be found here.

Please note that the parking on the Mission Field (P1) will NOT be available.

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Northern Ark Summer Update

It’s been a hectic summer so far at Northern Ark Nursery and Hedgeley Honey, with the nursery open Thursday-Saturday from 11am-4pm. We’ve also been attending lots of markets (Morpeth, Kelso and Hexham), Flower Power Fairs and one-off shows across the North East. Check our Facebook page and to see the latest events.

Essential jobs to do in the garden this summer:

At Hedgeley Honey, we have been feeding syrup to the bees, now the oil seed rape has passed over. A poor crop from this year, as the temperatures have been too cold for a nectar flow. The blackberries are now just coming out so there will be some honey from these. Our next big move for the bees is away down to East Anglia for the Borage crop. Meanwhile we are dealing with the inevitable swarms, now we have some heat in the weather. For more information on our online shop and stockists, visit

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Longhorsley Parish Council

The Annual Parish Council meeting will be held on Wednesday, 10th July, in the Village Hall, starting at 7pm, with a parishioner slot at 8pm. Meeting notices are displayed on village notice boards, with minutes and other information found on the Parish Council website.

Contact details for the current members are detailed below:

Clerk: Gillian Turner, 4 Lowther Close, Seaton Manor, Ashington, NE63 0HY  01670 812704 or

Chairman: Norman Douglas 07485 174529

Councillors: Sarah Alcock, Kirsty Bell, Peter Boyle, Jennie Parker, Anne Peat and Trevor Potts.

Final Accounts 2023/24

At the Parish Council Meeting held on 12th June 2024, Members received the Annual Internal Audit Report 2023/24. Members also received, considered and approved the Annual Governance Statement, Annual Accounting Statements and supporting documents for 2023/24.

All financial statements and supporting documents have now been forwarded to our External Auditors, MAZARs for review and therefore please note that all Accounting Statements are currently “unaudited and subject to change”.

The Notice of Electors Rights and Inspection dates, running from 17th June to 26th July, were also agreed and have been placed on the website and Village noticeboard.

D-Day Anniversary 6th June 2024

Commemorating the Largest Naval, Air and Land Operation in History

We were pleased that so many residents came to watch and take part in the official Beacon and Lamp Lights of Peace Lighting Ceremony held at 9.15pm on 6th June. Our Chairman, Cllr Norman Douglas, read the Nation’s Tribute remembering those who gave their lives at home and abroad during the D Day landings, whose sacrifice enables us all to enjoy the peace and freedom we have today. Our thanks also go to Cllrs Potts and Alcock for preparing and lighting the beacon – which looked amazing.

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Longhorsley Parish Clerk Vacancy

Are you an experienced administrator or existing Clerk looking for an interesting and mostly home-based role? Longhorsley Parish Council is looking for an enthusiastic and self-motivated person to fill the role of Clerk to the Council and Responsible Financial Officer.

Experience as a Parish or Town Clerk and holding the Certificate in Local Council Administration (CILCA) is desirable. The post is for 8 hours a week and is based on working from home, with meetings normally taking place at the Village Hall on the second Wednesday of the month. A bi-monthly Committee meeting of the Moor is held on the first Wednesday of the month during April to October.

The successful candidate will be expected to:

The successful candidate will be working with a supportive group of 7 Councillors who will also encourage the new Clerk in their continuing professional development. Support and training will be offered via Northumberland ALC.

The salary will be paid in accordance with experience and in line with the National Joint Council Salary Scale LC1 rates SCP 13 to 17. The current hourly rate is £13.97 to £14.95 per hour.

For further information on the role and to apply, send your CV and covering letter to the Clerk at or post to the Parish Clerk, 4 Lowther Close, Seaton Manor, Ashington, NE63 0HY.

Closing date: 31st July 2024. Interviews will be held mid-September 2024 for an anticipated start date of 4th November 2024.

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Defibrillator at the Village Hall

The Village Hall have paid for a new defibrillator, which is now installed and ready to use in emergencies. The old one unfortunately could not be fixed.

Jane Pringle

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Your County Councillor

The long running saga continues to play out but I am more confident that the Police will activate their camera van in the village this summer.

It has been discovered that there are some Traffic Orders not in place that are needed for them to deploy and prosecute, and they have asked us to cut back vegetation around the signs. So hopefully all this will be done in a month or two and I will continue to be annoying about it. And, in doing so, will keep pressing for the static cameras to get back into life again.

I am not a fan of  social media I am sorry to say,  so if you need me to help with anything please email me anytime.

Glen Sanderson  07730 979737

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Water fluoridation expansion in the North East

The government are proposing to expand community water fluoridation further in the North East. This will include the water supply to Longhorsley.

For further information or to respond to the consultation please see this link.

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Longhorsley Takeaway Food

We will send out a Breaking News if we are notified of any changes.

The Shoulder of Mutton

The Shoulder of Mutton is open and offering takeaways every day.

Sunday lunches 12-6pm ~ Monday to Saturday 5pm-8pm

See their menu at ~ phone 788236 to order

The Flying Fryer

The Flying Fryer will be here every Friday from 4pm to 7pm, depending on demand.

Facebook The Flying Fryer 07984 426 725


Dou_h&co will visit on one Thursday in the month from 4:30pm – 7:30pm.

The next visits will be on 4th July and 22nd August.

Pre-order on  07507 834 628 from Monday 9am.

See their menu on the Dou_h & Co Facebook page, Instagram and

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Post Office in Longhorsley Village Hall

Monday 9.15am   to 12.15pm

Friday 11.30am to 1.30pm

Please note that this Outreach Service cannot accept large parcels.

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Mobile Library Visiting Times

The Mobile Library visits Longhorsley once a month, on Fridays between 3pm and 4pm, in the Village Hall car park.

The next visits will be on the 26th July and 23rd August.

The Mobile Library Service website can be found here

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September Edition

The last date for submissions is 20th August. You can email or phone us.

Please keep articles under 250 words, if at all possible.

Jan and Sheena Haveman 07834 740649

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