Lab Procedures

The foods lab experience is a time for learning and discovering

the wonderful world of food. I want all of my students to enjoy

themselves while following the rules and procedures below.

Before Foods Lab:

1. Arrive on time.

2. Pull your hair back.

3. Wear plastic gloves if you have cuts or abrasions on your hands.

4. Wash your hands.

5. Put on your apron.

6. Place recipe on your clipboard and read recipe and directions with lab group.

7. Preheat ovens if needed.

During Foods Lab:

1. Stay with your kitchen group—do not move to another kitchen!

2. Clean as you go and rewash your hands when needed.

3. Give the teacher your attention when she is giving directions….no talking.

4. No Horseplay! Remember 10 points deducted for any incident.

5. Complete lab responsibilities according to duties

6. Wash, dry, and put away all equipment.

7. Clean and dry countertops, sink, and surrounding area.

8. Complete cleaning activities until class ends.

9. Restock paper towels and soap dispensers.

After Food Lab:

1. Place towels and dishcloth in washing machine.

2. Fold and return apron and hats to designated draw (if soiled put into washer).

3. Check ovens and stove tops to be certain they are clean and turned off.

4. Ask teacher to inspect food lab.

5. Return your clipboard to designated area.

Lab Safety

1. Keep knives sharp; dull knives cause you to press harder, increasing the chances of a slip.

2. Don't rush!

3. No horseplay.

4. Tell Mrs. Kerns about any accidents immediately.

5. Don't let the handles of pots and pans stick out beyond the edge of the stove or counter where they can be bumped.

6. Be especially careful of large pots of boiling water if you have to carry them to the sink to drain.

7. Use oven mitts so you don't get your hands burned.

8. Do not use hand towels as oven mitts.

9. Be careful reaching into the oven; the backs of your arms are very near the hot edge of the opening.

10. Don't let electrical cords dangle over the edge of the counter.

11. Don't put wet foods in hot oil; the steam will cause the oil to splatter. Always add food to hot oil a little at a time.

12. Wrap an ice cube in a paper towel and put on small burns immediately.

13. Familiarize yourself with basic First Aid techniques:
