Computer Skills' class

Predicting what lies in the future is virtually impossible, but we do know that whatever it brings, computer technology will be right in the center of it. As computer technology continues to advance and develop for both home and industry, there will be an ever growing need for computer professionals to fill the resulting job openings. Career opportunities in the computer field remain strong, and knowledge of computer technology will continue to become more and more important to workers in every field. "Many jobs obviously will demand basic computer skills if not sophisticated knowledge." (Oppenheimer 273). Website:


General Keyboard Shortcuts

Tableau keyboard shortcuts are listed below.

Navigation and Selection Shortcuts

In addition to the standard keyboard shortcuts there are several key combinations that can make navigating and selecting marks fast and easy.

Field Selection Shortcuts

There are several key and mouse combinations that can make creating a view and selecting fields fast and easy.

Online Safety & Cyberethics

Common Sense Media

Learn the fundamentals of digital citizenship through animated, choose-your-own-adventure interactive experiences, designed for grades 6-9. Invite students to explore digital dilemmas, make good (and not-so-good) decisions, and try out possible solutions through stories and mini-games – all without risking their real-world reputations. Discover how Common Sense Education’s award-winning digital literacy and citizenship curriculum seamlessly integrates into blended-learning environments.

Recognize the dangers, learn to stay safe online!

Internet safety begins with you!

Safe Teens
CyberSafety/Cyberethics Videos

How to Cite Sources


Grades are based on timed tests, participation, technique, and their assignments on Technique is graded according to a checklist worth 20 points:

• eyes on copy - 4 points

• arms at sides and still - 2 points

• wrists straight - 2 points

• sitting up straight - 2 points

• typing without pausing - 2 points

• sitting centered at j key, feet flat on the floor a hand-width apart - 4 points

• hitting return key with little finger without looking - 2 points

• keeping fingers on the home row - 2 points

At the middle school level I emphasize accuracy over speed.

I love to incorporate a little fun into my keyboarding classes:

• I turn off the lights in the classroom; students get a kick out of the glow from the computers.

• I turn off monitors and have students type for three minutes; have students compare their results, just for fun.

• I have students type a sentence or series of words backwards.

• I have students play keyboarding musical chairs while they write a story using a prompt I provide.

• I have students play Spider Keyboarding--two students use one keyboard to complete a lesson. The student on the left using their left hand and the student on the right uses their right hand.

• I have students use blindfolds and type what another student is reading to them.

None of these lighthearted approaches are graded, but students should be encouraged to maintain as much accuracy as possible in their keyboarding.

Songs for Keyboarding Musical Chairs Typing