Diabetes Foundation


The aims of the Lions Australia Diabetes Foundation are

·       to fund research into the causes and treatment of diabetes

·       to raise awareness and provide education to the end that there may be improved care for people who have diabetes or are at risk of developing diabetes

LADF Newsletter

 -Spring2023 Newsletter

LADF Newsletter-Spring2023.pdf


Gifts to the Foundation are tax deductible.  - Donations can be deposited to  our account  with appropriate donor reference:-

BSB 032-569 (Westpac Hamilton),   Account No 580405 Lions Australia Diabetes Foundation


Grants totalling $36 000 were approved by the Trustees and Committee of Management of the foundation during the 2023-2024 financial year: 

• TYPE 1 FOUNDATION: $5,000 to assist with funding Diabetes Care Packs. 

• TYPE 1 FOUNDATION: $6,000 to assist with providing nursing practitioners to Diabetes Education camps (paid in July 2024). 

• ST VINCENTS INSTITUTE FORMEDICAL RESEARCH: $25,000 to assist with the purchase of an IncuCyte Live Cell Imaging Equipment (total cost over $265,000, of which LCIF has granted USD60,000). 

In addition we provided the second instalment of $28,602 of a grant approved in the previous year to THE HUNTER MEDICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE$ (100,107 over 3.5 years to fund a research assistant in relation to providing diabetes screening to people in regional NSW). 

Total Grant payments in year to 30 June 2024 were thus $58,602.     

Since 1994, the Foundation has paid out a total of $1,123,420 in Grants. 

 Trustees & Management Committee

 Three trustees are elected by the District Convention to serve 3 year terms (one elected each year). The Trust Deed also provides for the appointment of a Committee of Management.

Funding sources

The Foundation receives income from investments.  Donations received from individual Lions, Clubs throughout Australia  totalled $74,832   in year ended June 2024.

The income of the Foundation is exempt from income tax. The Foundation is registered as a Deductible Gift Recipient and is registered for GST. The Foundation is also exempt from NSW Stamp Duty.

The net assets of the Foundation at end June 2024 were $1,177,867  .  A copy of the latest Annual report and financial statements is available for inspection by contacting the Secretary at PO Box 455 Mayfield NSW 2304.

John Hayes Honour Award

The Foundation has established the John Hayes Honour Award scheme, which enables Lions Clubs to honour worthy individuals by making a donation of $1,000 or more to the Foundation.  The recipient of the award receives a handsome plaque, which is forwarded to the club secretary for presentation.  The donation may be made over 2 successive years.  

The award is named after PDG Lion John Hayes OAM, whose vision inspired the creation of the Foundation in 1993 and who served as chairman of the Foundation from April 1993 to April 2014.  He continued as a member of the Committee of Management until his passing 29 April 2019.  John was District Governor of District 201N3 in 1989-1990, during which time the “Newcastle Earthquake” occurred.  John led the Lions’ contribution to the alleviation of distress caused by the ’quake, and the Foundation arose from the funds left over from the Lions Earthquake Appeal.

Diabetes Foundation Educational brochure

The Foundation has produced a (downloadable) brochure explaining some educational aspects of Diabetes and some information about the Foundation.

: ‘Towards a national Type 1 diabetes screening program for children’  - Walter & Eliza  Hall Institute  project received funding of $28,750 from the LADF in February 2022.  See  their research update HERE

To Apply for a Grant ...- Download Grant Application Form here

Contact Addresses :  Email: diabetes@ozemail.com.au      

Postal: The Secretary, PO Box 455, Mayfield  NSW 2304