
Leslie's Guided Inquiry Webinars

Follow these links to view my webinars on Guided Inquiry Design.

These are free archived versions of live webinars. Enjoy!

(Click the title to view the webinar!)

October 16, 2012 Guided Inquiry Design: Inquiry and 21st Century Literacy Skills

Are you currently doing research projects, Project Based Learning, implementing the Common Core State Standards?

Do you want to teach information literacy skills in rich meaningful contexts or use an integrated approach to learning?

Are you seeking ways to teach thinking, problem solving, and collaboration skills?

Or maybe you are looking to add a power punch to your inquiry projects to make learning more powerful for students.

If any of these are true, then this is the webinar for you. The bottom line is that all across education, we have to continually improve our instructional approach to meet the needs of our students today. Guided Inquiry Design is a teacher friendly, research-based practice that has been shown to improve outcomes for student learning. In this webinar, Guided Inquiry Design will be introduced and the conversation will be opened for you to make connections to your own work as you begin to consider how to transform your learning environment around student learning.

February 26, 2013 Tools for Guided Inquiry

One main goal of Guided Inquiry is to have our students increase their awareness of learning how they learn. How do we help students to become aware of their own learning through the inquiry process? How do teachers assess this learning? Guided Inquiry Design includes a comprehensive set of tools embedded through the inquiry process. These tools have multiple functions. They are used to help students become aware of how they learn through inquiry and, at the same time, give teachers a formative assessment of the learning. In our community’s next webinar, we will showcase the tools in Guided Inquiry Design, explore the depth and reach of their use, and explain how to implement tools throughout the inquiry process. Join Leslie Maniotes, NBCT, MEd, PhD is a Teacher Effectiveness Coach in Denver Public Schools, on February 26th for an exploration of Guided Inquiry Design tools to help your students learn how to be better learners.

A related blog post about this webinar http://newsle.com/article/0/65915117/

September 17, 2013 Guided Inquiry Design and the Common Core

The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) are upon us. As we are in a time of great transition with these new expectations, we can react with dismay or see it as a grand opportunity for change. These standards tell us what to teach but do not tell us how. This is the opportunity. Right now, we have a chance to shift to the needs of today’s learners through an inquiry approach. Guided Inquiry Design is a new framework based on researched principles of learning, that include an integrated process approach to subject area content, and is set up to be a powerful way to accomplish the rigor required of the Common Core. This session will inspire you, and will include how to use Guided Inquiry Design to achieve rigor, college and career readiness, in a learning centered approach to necessary to meet the CCSS.

February 25, 2014 Research with Rigor

Have you been wondering how to increase the rigor within an inquiry approach? Inquiry learning is the premier way to accomplish the CCSS. But inquiry can seem like a very loose and open way to teach and learn. How do you ensure that your students achieve the rigor necessary to attain college and career readiness through an inquiry approach? The Guided Inquiry Design program holds the key to rigor in inquiry. In this webinar we will explore how to attain the highest level of rigor and research using Guided Inquiry Design. We will investigate how inquiry can be carefully and purposely guided to accomplish rigor. The definition we will use is rigor as creating an environment in which each student is expected to learn at high levels, each student is supported so that he or she can learn at high levels, and each student demonstrates learning at high levels (Blackburn, 2008). We will look at each component of rigor and show how Guided Inquiry Design addresses each area; expectation, supports for learning and demonstration of learning.With careful planned use of Guided Inquiry Design you’ll increase student rigor and engagement. This webinar will show you how.

September 16, 2014 Off to a Great Start!: 5 Strategies for opening Guided Inquiry units

How you begin a unit of inquiry can make or break participation, engagement and student motivation to learn. Join author Leslie Maniotes to learn 5 engaging ways to get you off to a great start! Through this webinar learn to kickoff inquiry units using openings that will invite students to learn, grow their curiosity, support student questioning, and build a community of learners. In this webinar she will provide a quick overview of the design framework as described in the book Guided Inquiry Design: A Framework for Inquiry in Your School and 5 sample strategies for the Open phase will be explored in depth. The examples will include a variety of content (Social Studies, Science, Literacy, Humanities, Art) so you can easily apply the strategies to your next unit no matter the content. School Librarians will enjoy this webinar as we will also include a discussion of the curation of materials for Open for their schools.

April 28, 2015 Inquiry Circles: Collaborative Learning in Guided Inquiry

We know that learning how to collaborate is an essential skill for college and workforce readiness. How are we engaging students to meaningfully collaborate through inquiry? In our community’s next webinar, learn how essential student collaboration is to deepen learning through inquiry, see a model for how to implement Inquiry Circles and strategies for assessing collaboration to improve your teaching and learning for your students.

Join the conversation as Leslie Maniotes, PhD author of Guided Inquiry: Learning in the 21st Century and Guided Inquiry Design: A Framework for Inquiry in Your School, discusses ways to use the structure of inquiry circles to support student learning and progress monitoring goals. Topics will include:

      • Ideas for K-12 school leaders, librarians and teachers implementing Guided Inquiry, PBL, IB, POGIL and other inquiry learning models
      • Implications for authentic assessments of learning grounded in standards
      • NEW Examples of forms for student learning through Inquiry Circles

Leslie will field questions from participants submitted throughout this webinar. Join her for an interactive session that will help you implement inquiry circles as a collaborative learning tool and a platform for rich student assessment of learning.

September 16, 2015

Getting Started with Guided Inquiry

Presented by Leslie K. Maniotes, NBCT, M.Ed.,Ph.D., Senior Consultant at BLV Consulting

Many educators are recognizing the power of inquiry learning as a means to address the changing needs of learners in the digital age. Guided Inquiry Design is shifting the culture of schools toward a learning-centered approach that addresses students' need for research, information literacy, authentic critical literacy practice, deep conceptual understandings and social learning. However, it’s not always easy to know how to begin to make this shift. In this webinar, Leslie K. Maniotes will share concrete strategies that will get you started using Guided Inquiry Design including programmatic systems, long- and short-term planning as well as connections and tweaks to your current instructional practice. Join our growing community of educators who are learning about the research-backed practice of Guided Inquiry. Get started by learning some strategies for inquiry that will change and sustain learning in your school. Leslie will field questions from attendees after her live presentation. This interactive session is intended for all P-20 educators interested in building an inquiry approach in their school or district.

International Videos of Guided Inquiry Connections

Karen Bonano presented a webinar in Australia.

In this webinar, she did a wonderful job summarizing key points of Guided Inquiry Design. Thank you Karen for sharing your work with us!

View Karen's webinar on Guided Inquiry --> Australia’s Webinar