Contact Dr. Maniotes to arrange workshops for your district or school.
Leslie is the lead professional developer for BLV Consulting creating specialized professional learning experiences for each unique group depending upon the context, learning goals, and desired outcomes.
She has over 20 years of experience conducting workshops for teachers, librarians, coaches, tech integrators, curriculum coordinators, leaders, and teaching teams interested in using inquiry learning to increase student engagement and transform learning in their school/district.
Leslie has extensive experience working with students and educators that support all populations P-20. Guided Inquiry Design enhances student engagement and deeper learning through:
- Whole child learning - social, emotional growth is embedded into our process
- Research embedded in content specific units of study K-12
- Technology rich settings (1:1, OER, using flipped and blended models within inquiry)
- Student research with rigor.
- Standards based instructional design.
- Authentic literacy practice in use.
- Student driven learning.
All of these aspects of Guided Inquiry Design are addressed in our workshops.
Guided Inquiry Design
Professional Development
A proven three day institute first implemented at Rutgers University at the CiSSL Summer session. Past institutes have had dramatic results such as award winning units and complete district shifts to inquiry learning. Institutes include deep learning about the Guided Inquiry Design framework as well as facilitated team work time for designing and planning a prototype unit of Guided Inquiry ready for implementation. As a bonus, this workshop includes effective teaching and ELL strategies woven in and modeled for teachers as well as continual reflective practice for participants to not only learn strategies, but apply them to their classrooms. Participants come as a learning team including teachers and librarian and leave with a school based support system to build capacity for implementation.
One Day and Half Day workshops on GID are also available.
Train the Trainer model - for Districts ready to take the next step
Certified trainers of Guided Inquiry Design
Included in the model is training session as well as follow up sessions across the year with feedback and coaching for trainers. First implemented in Norman Public Schools, Norman, Oklahoma USA under the supervision of Kathryn Roots Lewis AASL President (2018).
Rutgers CiSSL Team
The Rutgers CiSSL Team at a Guided Inquiry Institute (2014)
L->R Dr. Carol Kuhlthau, LaDawna Harrington, Dr. Mary Jane Mc Nally, Ann Caspari, Dr. Leslie Maniotes, Dr. Ross Todd, Marci Zane
What they are saying about Guided Inquiry Design(R) Workshops:
"We were very fortunate to have Leslie Maniotes in our district for a three day workshop on Guided Inquiry Design. She modeled the format and shared practical ways to implement this in our classrooms. I think some of the quotes from participants say it best.
"This workshop is by far one of the best to help me make my teaching richer and more meaningful." Pre-K teacher.
"This is the roadmap we've needed all along." 4th/5th Grade Teacher.
"If we had known this, there would have been a lot less tears." 2nd Grade Bilingual Teacher.
The content of Guided Inquiry Design and Leslie Maniotes' facilitating was beneficial to all who attended which ranged from teachers of Pre-K through academic librarians working with graduate and undergraduate students. I can highly recommend Leslie Maniotes." Donna Kearley, Library Coordinator, Denton ISD, Denton, Texas
"After years of working with an inquiry process model, our librarians read Guided Inquiry and Guided Inquiry Design and participated in Dr. Maniotes’ workshops in our district. Dr. Maniotes’ insightful seminars and coaching sessions helped our librarians understand that we needed to adjust our focus from imposing the model on project design to using the model to support student learning needs. We have revised our district inquiry process model to reflect Guided Inquiry. We have also integrated many of the principles of Guided Inquiry Design into the district’s language arts curriculum and library instructional practice." Mary Keeling, Supervisor, Library Media Services, Newport News Public Schools , AASL President 2019
"After learning that librarians in our community at all levels were teaching and reteaching the same information literacy skills with little success, the librarians began creating a K-20 information literacy curriculum based on state and national information literacy standards. They wanted a research process that integrated well with the standards. The Guided Inquiry Design was perfect!
Dr. Maniotes provided a comprehensive 3-day institute immersing the librarians in the concepts of the model and guided activities so the librarians and teachers could experience the process. This was a turning point for the project! Everyone left eager to implement the process using the lesson plans and projects they developed during the workshop. With Dr. Maniotes expertise, our project now has the momentum needed to succeed in improving information literacy skills in our students."
Cherry Fuller, Project Manager, Denton Inquiry 4 Lifelong Learning Grant