Leslie K. Maniotes, PhD, is a full time educational consultant with experience in all levels of education. A National Board Certified Teacher with 11 years of classroom experience, Maniotes has worked as a Teacher Effectiveness coach and a K–12 literacy specialist and leader in rural and urban Title One schools. She received her doctorate in curriculum and instruction in the content areas from the University of Colorado, Boulder, and master's degree in reading K-12 from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. She is a nationally reputed educational consultant on the Guided Inquiry approach, leading teams to improve learning and inquiry design through integrating workshops and coaching.

Leslie is author of many articles on inquiry learning as well as the books Guided Inquiry: Learning in the 21st Century (2nd ed. 2015) and Guided Inquiry Design: A Framework for learning in your school (2012) with Dr. Carol Kuhlthau (Professor Emerita of Information Science and Library Studies, Rutgers University) and Ann Caspari (Museum Educator, National Air and Space Museum) and the Guided Inquiry Design in Action series.