5. LCD as PC VGA,HDMI,AV,TV multifunction display

This board works the same way as VGA controller board, that is useful and easy use in workshop .

However, this unit is something I can call "amazing" board.

This board is made on TSUMV29 chip, what is enough for purposes it offer: VGA, HDMI, AV, analog TV.

There are also similar boards available on TSUMV59 chip, this is described here 6. LCD as PC VGA,HDMI,AV,TV display TSUMV59

Anyway, here is described controller, build with chip TSUMV29 version only

Model: LA.MV29.P


First of all - this board is cheap, when we compare prices of LCD devices with inputs - AV, HDMI, VGA monitors and TV.

So price looks attractive, as multi-source and multi-functional LCD display.

This TSUMV29 controller is available in many places but good prices are in THIS store

Manual for this board is for download at end of this page .

There is also option to buy another version of V29 board, when screen properties are set WITHOUT any programming by JUMPERS, similar as in VGA boards. 


TIP for jumper controller, if you connect IR, then access to "service menu" is MENU and then 8896 - that ONLY for jumpers version.

Such controller can be very useful, for all beginners avoiding programming problems, it is available in good prices HERE_V29_jumpers  .


Using and programming needs some more experience, it is not as easy as jumper setting for resolution, especially for older SVGA resolution.

Because it was design for movies, there are lot more LCD parameters to use, like for example LVDS frequency transmission. 

For example screens with the same resolution, will not work when chosen only resolution, so there are a lot more screen's firmware to choose and try for proper work. Sometime it need to check few screens types firmware, to get proper results of work, this mostly concerns older screens 4:3 aspect ratio. 

Newer screens, usually works very good with first firmware matching resolution and LVDS connection type.


This board can work with various displays and various resolutions.

It have some external inputs

- DC-in 12V input

- VGA PC connector

- HDMI connector

- AV composite connector (AV audio L and R)

- PC audio input

- Earphone output

- USB for reprograming purposes

- Analog TV input

Also internal outputs 

- CCFL (or LED) backlight connector

- keys connector (IR, LED, keys)

- LVDS connector, the same as described here 2. LVDS cables

- 2pcs  L and R speakers

- I2C bus

It have also IR remote control for easy home use.



As addition I must admit, that software of this board have very useful function for FPV'ers (First Person View) modelers - it is possible to turn of Blue Screen in AV menu. So if someone will use an LCD as FPV monitor, there will be no problem with Blue Screen during flight - that awesome. 

Below picture of 1280x800 screen (ratio set to 4:3), AV input from wireless receiver, 

wireless camera power ON, Blue Screen set to OFF                                                                            than wireless camera power OFF and no Blue Screen    


  What else for FPV'ers, normally today is hard to find any LCD AV monitor with screen aspect ratio 4:3 (most cheap small cameras use this ratio) , but using this board is very easy to made such screen from any old laptop screen of any size, of any resolution and in cheap. Which controller is better for FPV, V29 or V59? answer is here


Two words about HDMI input, most useful for Raspberry PI fun, as for other hobbyist. HDMI input recognize in proper way only aspect ratio 16:9 resolutions. That means, device detect 16:9 ratio resolution and then scaling it to resolution of screen used with LVDS,  so any native 16:9 resolution sent by HDMI, will be scaled to resolution of screen connected to device even not matched 16:9. That little odd but works.   So if you plan a mostly to use HDMI , look for screens with native 16:9 ratio resolution, that way you will be able to see a native resolution of HDMI 16:9 and native of screen what gives the best results in picture geometry (circle is circle not ellipse).


What if you have 16:10 screen and you are not happy with circle looking like ellipse ?

Well, there is sophisticated solution: 

- SERVICE MENU - this is option for advanced users

Press MENU and type 1147 to enter into "Service Menu", in this menu find "Overscan", you can made picture wider (and then center) and a bit flattened (and also centered), helps using testing picture of 16:9.

So by this way is possible to get picture with proper geometry like in 16:9 native screen.

Also is possible to made OSD menu bigger in double, what is very useful in small screens.

There are also many other options, if you are interested then look and test them by your self.

If you mess the settings, always you can made "factory reset"   


As example usage of 15'' screen with resolution 1024x768 and 4:3 ratio.

LVDS cable used this one d. 30 pin cable

Below as VGA PC, works very good with good quality.


Scanning for analog TV (still broadcasting in Cable TV along with digital TV)



How to program, well it is also easy and very pleasure part.

First of all we must go to nearest Liquor Store, then choose and buy a bottle of Johnnie Walker with pendrive included.

After nice evening with friends, next day we have a small headache and pendrive, which we can use for programming.


A small tip - if you already have any pendrive, so can buy any bottle of any drink, even not included any gift as pendrive :), and even do not need to buy anything if you do not drinking :) .

Programming is very simple, we must choose proper .bin file and copy it to pendrive at root directory, plug pendrive into USB, then plug power cord, status LED will made some flashes and software upgrade is done.


Flashing is easy and work reliable, more time consuming to choose proper .bin file. 

There was reports about some pendrives not working with board, as solution simply change pendrive to other brand.  

Attention:  Sometimes, when playing with firmwares, if there be power cut/brake and flash will not finish programming, than the board become dead.

To repair/fix the board, need to be reprogrammed SPI flash chip (small 8 leg chip) in any external SPI programmer.

To do that, we must unsolder flash chip from board, put it into programmer and program the  .bin file what is placed at end of this page. 

After program, resolder chip in his place at board, the controller will become live, so is possible to start programming again. 

Direct link for download chip content need for repairing V29 controller type only.   


Keyboard for controller

Notice that 5 keys or 7 keys are possible to use with board so also firmware must be for 5 or 7 keys mode.

5 keys looks not much but works really nice, 

when first pressed key "<" than volume is triggered for regulation, 

when first pressed key ">" than channel changing is available. 

Keyboard can be easily done on universal prototyping board using micro-switches and wires. 

Controller supports A/D  type keyboard (Analog to Digital converter is used at keyboard input) ,  so is possible to use only two wires for 7 keys. In such case we connect only GND and K0 input for keys. That work with 7 and 5 keyboard style. 

Each function is determined by proper resistor connected in series as follow :

k0    0      on/off

k1  680     V+

k2  1.5k    V-

k3  2.7k   source

k4  4.7k   menu

k5  8.2k    ch+

k6  15k     ch-

k7  38k  reserved


however for those who do not want too much soldering work, HERE IS ready to use 7 keys keyboard, you need only to soldered IR receiver, as on picture below 



New boards and some TV tuner problems.

Looks like there are two types of V29 boards, both works well with analog TV channels but need different firmwares.


One type is with TV tuner looks like on picture below 

what I call OLDer board


The firmware for TSUMV29 chip with older TV tuner can be downloaded from my google drive   or all folder

And there another type TV tuners updated by manufacturer what I call NEWer board

looks like on picture below 


 The firmwares for TSUMV29 chip with newer TV tuner can be downloaded Here GD_V29_R840 

or New_V29_R842 on my GD

New TV tuners are made on R840 or R842 chip of Rafael Micro brand, the newest are R842.

I have not idea about this chip ability, but with new software it works well with analog channels. 


It looks, like it is matter of luck (or no luck), what type of TV tuner you will got.

So, I recommend before buy, contact seller and be sure what kind of tuner you need, and ask for it.


Some interesting usage of LCD controller are gathered in 10. Users gallery

Controller is also very useful with ancient-retro home computing, as described here e. Retro console and computer


Is good to see, that lastly are available universal casing/housing for such controllers, so if anyone have no idea how made a cover for controller, is possible to buy universal casing in this shop 




If you have any problems, please look here a. Possible problems