Behavior Management
Behavior Management Philosophy & Procedures
Students have the right to learn in a safe and effective learning environment. The climate in the classroom should be work oriented, but relaxed and pleasant. There should be little wasted time, confusion, or disruption. A well managed classroom is key for this to happen.
I believe that discipline problems are minimized when students are engaged and involved in meaningful and interesting activities. Students are generally more successful when they have structure and know what is expected of them. It is important to that students know what is expected of them while they are in the classroom. Therefore, each year, on the first day of class, I review a PowerPoint presentation with each individual class in order to discuss the Computer Lab procedures with the students.
Fortunately, in the computer lab behavioral issues are not too often a problem. Most incidences only require a verbal warning and it usually takes care of the unwanted behavior. However, from time to time, there may be an issue that requires further action. When a student is having difficulty following a rule, redirection will be given with a clear statement of what the student should be doing. If the undesirable behavior continues, the student will be given a verbal warning with the rule broken being made clear. Thereafter, negative consequences will begin.