Open Educational Practice (OEP) is the term used to describe the sharing of educational resources and knowledge as part of a contribution to the development of learning globally. Open is a spectrum, sharing your slides with your teaching team is part of OEP, uploading them to Slideshare allows access to a wider audience. If you wish to be an Open Educational Practitioner I recommend using Creative Commons licencing to ensure that your work is attributed back to you so your part in the development of your community is recognised.

There is a good deal of open content on the internet, including ready made teaching resources, images and videos. Here's my images for language teaching guide.

I wrote this blog post for ALTC blog about Open Education week 2016.

Collaborating with a colleague in Australia, here's our take on produsage.

As part of my work for Warwick's International Higher Education Academy I led a team of staff and students in the WIHEA #knowhow project working to increase understanding of open educational practice. We produced these support resources and an open G+ community. (changes to Google + mean this is no longer available).