
Micro credentials to recognise all learning.

I have extensively researched and piloted different open badge systems for creating and displaying open badges.

Here's my profile on Open Badge Passport

Badge display options have changed over time. I migrated my Mozilla backpack into Open Badge Passport and also several other providers as a way of future proofing against further changes. Currently I manage an Open Badge passport Space for UNICollaboration where we are trying to grow our understanding of how best to support our badge earners in managing their badges. I will share the results of this experimentation in 2022.

What are open badges?

I piloted open badges for Online Intercultural Exchange in our Clavier project courses. Here's a presentation done for the COIL conference in New York with Mirjam Haulk from the Open University. The work is published here

I was part of the organising committee for a conference on Open Badges in Higher Education March 2016.

I also moderated an #openbadges twitter chat as part of ALT winter conference

I published a framework for open badges in Online Intercultural Exchange and currently manage the deployment of Erasmus Plus Virtual Exchange badges using Open Badge Factory. I am also a contributor to the Open Badge wiki where I uploaded research links.

I have been exploring different ways of displaying badges. The Open Badge Passport has a pages facility where you can build webpages for a particular audience and include badges and links. Mozilla backpack had a collections facility allowing easy grouping of badges and public sharing.

Mahara e-portfolio uses an Open Badges widget which can automatically pick up any badges associated with your email address/es and displays your public badges. Here's a quick demo page I made in 5 minutes.